by Louise Doyle
THE green light has been given for a major development at Atlantic Technological University (ATU), Letterkenny campus.
Applicant, the ATU lodged plans with Donegal County Council in September 2024 for the proposed development of a site extending 1.08 hectares, Port Road.
The impressive plans comprised the construction of a three-storey library, IT, and general education building comprising reading rooms/book stacks and general and specialist teaching spaces, staff offices, administration spaces and ancillary service areas.
The proposed scheme also included the provision of a north-south greenway, covered bicycle shelters to accommodate 50 bicycle stands and and the provision of site landscaping.
A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) accompanied the application.
Donegal County Council has granted the go-ahead for the development, with 12 conditions attached.
The applicant has been advised that site preparation and construction shall adhere to best practice and shall conform to the Inland Fisheries Revenue Ireland Requirements for the Protection of Fisheries Habitat during construction and development works at river site.
Planners have said this condition is to ensure the integrity and preservation of Natura 2000 sites and their qualifying interests.
Furthermore, Donegal County Council has said that any invasive species located within the subject site shall be managed and treated in accordance with the Environment Agency Code of Practice on Managing Japanese Knotwood on development sites, and overall best practice.
Planners have also stipulated that archaeological monitoring shall be carried out during excavation works.
The Chief Executive’s Order reads: “Said monitoring shall be carried out by an archaeologist approved by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (Monuments) and paid for by the developer.
“If archaeological monitoring of the site reveals deposit(s) of archaeological potential, then excavation and construction works shall cease until permission is obtained from the Planning Authority for recommencement of works.
“The Planning Authority shall be empowered to require the carrying out of an archaeological assessment report of the site including resiting, excavation or preservation in situ. Where archaeological material is shown to be present, a detailed Archaeological Impact Statement shall be included within the report. The potential impact of the proposed development on the archaeology within the site shall be described in detail.
“The Impact Statement shall give specific information on the external levels and location of all service trenches, and all other subsurface works associated with the development.
“The levels of archaeology within the site shall also be detailed within the report.”
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