
MAG calls on minister to meet homeowners

THE Mica Action Group have called on Housing Minister, Darragh O’Brien to meet with owners of defective block homes here in a public forum, when he visits the county.

Over a year ago the minister’s secretary replied to correspondence from MAG saying the minister would be in Donegal towards the end of last year but that visit did not materialise.

In a recent letter they stated “given that in excess of a year has passed since the receipt of this correspondence from your office, MAG suggests that it is timely that you meet in a public forum with homeowners in Donegal. The importance of your attendance at such a meeting is paramount.


“Homeowners deserve the respect of having their views and lived experience heard at first hand. “Homeowners have been continuously held at arm’s length through the provision by your Department by a Homeowner Liaison Mr John O’Connor. In fact, homeowners are the only stakeholders that are prevented from contributing directly to the reviews of the Defective Concrete Scheme and to a variety of other meetings including that held recently involving the newly established Appeals Panel,” they stated.

It went on to say that MAG believes that if the minister is planning to visit in the near future, he would already have the date scheduled in his diary.

“We ask that you demonstrate respect to homeowners by providing due notice of your visit to
the county so that arrangements to meet you can be made. We ask that you do not cause additional hurt to already traumatised homeowners by visiting the county unannounced and meeting with officials and other small groups behind closed doors.

“Given your political status, MAG are sure you are in agreement that transparency and accountability are of paramount importance.

“MAG anticipate your timely response, in order that the appropriate arrangements can be made,” the letter concluded.

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