
Information evening at Strabane Academy

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STRABANE Academy is a controlled Grammar School which is made up of pupils from all backgrounds, regardless of religion, race, or social status. We are proud of the high level of integration which is evident through the diversity of our pupils and seek to be inclusive in all of our activities.  Our caring ethos, pastoral activities and induction programme provide excellent support and help lay the foundations for future success and happiness.  We admit pupils who will achieve a very high level of academic success in GCSEs and at A level and we also admit pupils whose talents are less academic and who will follow a more vocational pathway in their education.

When compared to other grammar schools this makes us very unique and great care should therefore be taken when comparing like for like exam results. Each year we are able to track how the pupils admitted via selection have performed in their GCSEs and it is both pleasing and reassuring to note that each year their results have been above the Northern Ireland average for grammar schools.  For a copy of these results please visit  and click on the results tab. In the absence of regulation and the sustained demand from parents, Strabane Academy will continue to use academic ability as a criterion for admission and we are both a member school and a centre for the Association for Quality Education (AQE). Our classes are streamed initially according to this score and subsequently using other information received from our feeder Primary Schools.


In keeping with our school community which has been highlighted as one of eight grammar schools with a naturally integrated mix of religions and cultures, we also accept scores from pupils who sit the GL Assessment, although we are not an exam centre for this test.  To get more information about next year’s entrance exam we will be holding an information evening on Thursday, May 16, at our Junior Campus, Derry Road, Strabane. The presentation will begin with a talk from the principal at 7.30pm and we would warmly invite all Primary 6 pupils and their parents to attend.

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