SOME €34.1 million has been confirmed for Donegal County Council this morning as it has been set a target to deliver 507 social housing units by the end of 2017.
Local Labour Councillor Martin Farren has welcomed the news, amid confirmation that the funding will reduce the local housing list by 30%.
It was announced by Labour’s Environment Minister Alan Kelly this morning. Over €1.5 billion is being invested nationally through a combination of building, buying and leasing schemes by local authorities.
Councillor Farren said: “This is a massive boost for social housing in Donegal, and it proves that when resources permit, Labour can deliver in Government.
“Today it has been confirmed that Donegal County Council is to receive substantial funding of €34.1 million, which will enable it to deliver 507 units, a move which will reduce the local housing list by 30%.
“Details of the local projects that will be coming on stream as part of this announcement will be provided within the next few weeks. In the meantime, today Minister Kelly has confirmed that 24 units will be provided for Railway Park, Drumrooske, Donegal Town,” he said.
Details of the new Build, Buying & Leasing Programme come on foot of a massive social housing package signed off by Labour in the last Budget.
Cllr Farren continued: “This announcement has been made possible by the €3.8bn social housing strategy secured by Minister Kelly and Joan Burton in the last Budget.
“Today we are seeing the fruits of this strategy trickling down to local level. Each local authority was asked to bring forward housing unit targets and specific building projects out to 2017. As part of the strategy, targets had to be agreed with each local authority in 2015.
“We have a serious housing problem locally but Labour are determined to tackle the crisis head-on. To this end I have been working closely with my colleagues to ensure that our local area gets its fair share of funding – today’s announcement proves that.
“I look forward to seeing the social housing dividend of this investment and trust that Labour in Government will continue to prioritise housing needs as the economy continues to recover.”