Charlie McConalogue and Pat ‘the Cope’ Gallagher have been elected on the sixteenth count. Both were elected without reaching the quota.
Details of 16th count:
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 16
FF Charlie McConalogue 11,019/+664-11,683
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 11,629/+85-11,714
Ind Thomas Pringle 10,255/+140-10,325
Pat ‘the Cope’ Gallagher has been elected on the fifteenth count.
Details of 15th count:
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 15
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 12,310/+1,359-13,660
FF Charlie McConalogue 9,172/+1,847-11,019
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 10,855/+774-11,629
Ind Thomas Pringle 9,513/+742-10,255
Pat “the Cope’ Gallagher’s surplus will now be distributed.
No one has been elected on the fourteenth count.
Details of 14th count:
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 14
FG Nikki Bradley 6,001/+175-6,176
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 11,751/+559-12,310
FF Charlie McConalogue 9,029/+143-9,172
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 9,909/+946-10,855
Ind Thomas Pringle 7,366/+2,147-9,513
No candidate has reached the quota in the fourteenth count.
Fine Gael candidate Nikki Bradley was eliminated in the count. Her votes will now be distributed.
No one has been elected on the thirteenth count.
Details of 13th count:
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 13
FG Nikki Bradley 4,280/+1,721 – 6,001
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 11,294/+457 – 11,751
FF Charlie McConalogue 8,771/+258 – 9,029
SF Noel Jordan 5,339/+174 – 5,513
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 9,784/+125 – 9,909
Ind Thomas Pringle 6,795/+571 – 7,366
No candidate has reached the quota in the 13th count.
Noel Jordan is eliminated and his votes will now be distributed.
No one has been elected on the 12th count
Details of the 12th count:
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
FG Nikki Bradley 4,134 + 146 – 4,280
FG John McNulty 3, 379+55 – 3,434
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 10,922 + 372 – 11,294
FF Charlie McConalogue 8,531 + 240 – 8,771
SF Noel Jordan 5,155 +184 – 5, 339
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 8,466 + 1,318 – 9,784
Ind Thomas Pringle 6,457 + 338 – 6,795
No surplus for distribution. John McNulty as the lowest candidate has now been excluded.
No one has been elected on the eleventh count.
Details of 11th count:
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 11
FG Nikki Bradley 4,080/+54-4,134
FG John McNulty 3,349/+30-3,379
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 10,798/+124-10,922
FF Charlie McConalogue 8,470/+61-8,531
SF Noel Jordan 5,013/+142-5,155
Aontu Mary T Sweeney 2,883/+493-3,376
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 7,868/+598-8,466
Ind Thomas Pringle 6,179/+278-6,457
No candidate has reached the quota in the ninth count.
Mary T Sweeney was eliminated in the count. Her votes will now be distributed.
No one has been elected on the tenth count.
Details of 10th count:
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 10
FG Nikki Bradley 3,830/+250-4,080
FG John McNulty 3,306/+43-3,349
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 10,680/+118-10,798
FF Charlie McConalogue 8,338/+132-8,470
SF Noel Jordan 4,733/+280-5,013
Aontu Mary T Sweneey 2,808/+75-2,883
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 7,632/+236-7,868
Ind Niall McConnell 2,156/+29-2,185
Ind Thomas Pringle 5,825/+354-6,179
No candidate has reached the quota in the ninth count.
Independent candidate Niall McConnell was eliminated in the count. His votes will now be distributed.
No one has been elected on the ninth count.
Details of 9th count:
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 9
FG Nikki Bradley 3,823/+7 – 3,830
FG John McNulty 3,302/+4 – 3,306
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 10,675/+5 – 10,680
FF Charlie McConalogue 8,315/+23 – 8,338
SF Noel Jordan 4,709/+24 – 4,733
Green Party Nuala Carr 930/+1 – 931
Aontu Mary T Sweneey 2,685/+123 – 2,808
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 7,522/+110 – 7,632
Ind Niall McConnell 1,910/+246 – 2,156
Ind Thomas Pringle 5,798/+27 – 5,825
PBP Carol Gallagher 699/+8 – 707
No candidate has reached the quota in the ninth count.
Nuala Carr, Green Party and Carol Gallagher, People Before Profit were eliminated in the count. Their votes will now be distributed.
Current state of play as we await the 9th count and the distribution of Kim McMenamin’s votes: 621
Pearse Doherty, Sinn Fein
Padraig MacLochlainn, Sinn Fein
In Contention
Pat the Cope Gallagher – Fianna Fail: 10,675
McConalogue, Charlie – Fianna Fail: 8,315
Ward, Charles – 100% Redress: 7,522
Pringle, Thomas – Independent: 5,798
Jordan, Noel – Sinn Fein: 4,709
Bradley, Nikki – Fine Gael: 3,823
John McNulty, Fine Gael: 3,302
Mary T. Sweeney, Aontu: 2,685
Niall McConnell, Independent: 1,910
Nuala Carr, Green Party: 930
Carol Gallagher, People Before Profit: 699
Kim McMenamin was eliminated on the 8th count and his votes are now being distributed: 621.
We are currently awaiting Count 9.
Kim McMenamin, Irish People’s Party
Eamon McGee, Irish Freedom Party
Gerry McKeever, Independent
Frank O’Donnell, independent
Claudia Kennedy, Fianna Fail
Vincent J. Bradley, Independent
Arthur Desmond McGuinness, Independent
No one has been elected on the eighth count.
Details of 8th count:
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 8
FG Nikki Bradley 3,818/+5 – 3,823
FG John McNulty 3,297/+5 – 3,302
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 10,667/+8 – 10,675
FF Charlie McConalogue 8,310/+5 – 8,315
SF Noel Jordan 4,695/+14 – 4,709
Green Party Nuala Carr 930/+0 – 930
Aontu Mary T Sweneey 2,637/+48 – 2,685
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 7,469/+53 – 7,522
Ind Niall McConnell 1,751/+159 – 1,910
Ind Thomas Pringle 5,776/+22 – 5,798
PBP Carol Gallagher 692/+7 – 699
Irish People Kim McMenamin 554/+67 – 621
No candidate has reached the quota in the eight count.
Kim McMenamin was eliminated in the eighth count. His votes will now be distributed.
No one has been elected on the seventh count.
Details of 7th count:
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 7
FG Nikki Bradley 3,782/+36 – 3,818
FG John McNulty 3,293/+4 – 3,297
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 10,636/+31 – 10,667
FF Charlie McConalogue 8,261/+49 – 8,310
SF Noel Jordan 4,673/+22 – 4,695
Green Party Nuala Carr 917/+13 – 930
Aontu Mary T Sweneey 2,589/+48 – 2,637
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 7,378/+91 – 7,469
Ind Niall McConnell 1,728/+23 – 1,751
Ind Thomas Pringle 5,740/+36 – 5,776
PBP Carol Gallagher 691/+1 – 692
Irish Freedom Eamon McGee 417/+5 – 422
Irish People Kim McMenamin 550/+4 – 554
No candidate has reached the quota in the seventh count.
Eamonn McGee was eliminated in the seventh count. His votes will now be distributed.
No one has been elected on the sixth count.
Details of the 6th count
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 6
FG Nikki Bradley 3,761/+21 – 3,782
FG John McNulty 3,293/+0 – 3,293
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 10,643/+32 – 10,636
FF Charlie McConalogue 8,233/+28 – 8,261
SF Noel Jordan 4,638/+35 – 4,673
Green Party Nuala Carr 913/+4 – 917
Aontu Mary T Sweneey 2,561/+28 – 2,589
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 7,300/+78 -7,378
Ind Niall McConnell 1,708/+20 – 1,728
Ind Gerry McKeever 359/+19 – 378
Ind Thomas Pringle 5,708/+32 – 5,740
PBP Carol Gallagher 688/+3 – 691
Irish Freedom Eamon McGee 409/+8 – 417
Irish People Kim McMenamin 547/+3 – 550
No candidate has reached the quota in the sixth count.
Gerry McKeever was eliminated in the sixth count. His votes will now be distributed.
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 5
FG Nikki Bradley 3,729/+32 – 3,761
FG John McNulty 3,283/+10 – 3,293
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 10,528/+66 – 10,643
FF Charlie McConalogue 8,149/+84 – 8,233
SF Noel Jordan 4,623/+15 – 4,638
Green Party Nuala Carr 905/+8 – 913
Aontu Mary T Sweneey 2,550/+11 – 2,561
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 7,283/+17 – 7,300
Ind Niall McConnell 1,705/+3 – 1,708
Ind Gerry McKeever 359/+0 – 359
Ind Frank O’Donnell 336/+1 – 337
Ind Thomas Pringle 5,693/+15 – 5,708
PBP Carol Gallagher 684/+4 – 688
Irish Freedom Eamon McGee 408/+1 – 409
Irish People Kim McMenamin 545/+2 – 547
No candidate has reached the quota in the fifth count.
Independent Frank O’Donnell was eliminated in the fifth count. His votes will now be distributed.
No one has been elected on the fourth count.
Details of the 4th count
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 4
FG Nikki Bradley 3,722/+7 – 3,729
FG John McNulty 3,277/+6 – 3,283
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 10,517/+11 – 10,528
FF Charlie McConalogue 8,137/+12 – 8,149
FF Claudia Kennedy 291/+1 – 292
SF Noel Jordan 4,620/+3 – 4,623
Green Party Nuala Carr 904/+1 – 905
Aontu Mary T Sweneey 2,534/+16 – 2,550
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 7,268/+15 – 7,283
Ind Niall McConnell 1,667/+38 – 1,705
Ind Gerry McKeever 355/+4 – 359
Ind Frank O’Donnell 330/+6 – 336
Ind Thomas Pringle 5,691/+2 – 5,693
PBP Carol Gallagher 674/+10 – 684
Irish Freedom Eamon McGee 400/+8 – 408
Irish People Kim McMenamin 544/+1 – 545
No candidate has reached the quota in the fourth count.
Fianna Fáil’s Claudia Kennedy was eliminated in the fourth count. Her votes will now be distributed.
No one has been elected on the third count.
Details of 3rd count:
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 3
FG Nikki Bradley 3,719/+3 – 3,722
FG John McNulty 3,276/+1 – 3,277
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 10,504/+13 – 10,517
FF Charlie McConalogue 8,127/+10 – 8,137
FF Claudia Kennedy 290/+1 – 291
SF Pearse Doherty 18,898
SF Padraig MacLochlainn 13,095
SF Noel Jordan 4,405/+215 – 4,620
Green Party Nuala Carr 903/+1 – 904
Aontu Mary T Sweneey 2,530/+4 – 2,534
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 7,236/+32 – 7,268
Ind Vincent Bradley 116/+0 – 116
Ind Niall McConnell 1,661/+6 – 1,667
Ind Arthur D McGuinness 35/+0 – 35
Ind Gerry McKeever 354/+1 – 355
Ind Frank O’Donnell 328/+2 – 330
Ind Thomas Pringle 5,664/+27 – 5,691
PBP Carol Gallagher 669/+5 – 674
Irish Freedom Eamon McGee 399/+1 – 400
Irish People Kim McMenamin 542/+2 – 544
No candidate has reached the quota in the third count.
Ind Arthur Desmond McGuiness and Ind Vincent J Bradley were eliminated in the third count. Their votes will now be distributed.
Good morning. Counting has recommenced at the Aura Leisure Centre in Letterkenny.
We’re settled in and ready for another long and busy day ahead.
We have team members working in the Aura Leisure Centre keeping you updated on everything as it happens.
Our reporters Dionne Meehan, Louise Doyle, Róise Collins, Diarmaid Doherty and Evelyn Cullen are out and about with our photographers Brian McDaid and Declan Doherty.
Stay tuned for live updates.
Details of 2nd count:
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 2
FG Nikki Bradley 3,658/+61 – 3,719
FG John McNulty 3,247/+29 – 3,276
FF Pat the Cope Gallagher 10,024/+480 – 10,504
FF Charlie McConalogue 8,019/+108 – 8,127
FF Claudia Kennedy 273/+17 – 290
SF Pearse Doherty 18,898
SF Padraig MacLochlainn 9,799/+3,296 – 13,095
SF Noel Jordan 3,321/+1,084 – 4,405
Green Party Nuala Carr – 880/+23 – 903
Aontu Mary T Sweneey 2,469/+61 – 2,530
100% Redress Party Charles Ward 6,862/+374 – 7,236
Ind Vincent Bradley 111/+5 – 116
Ind Niall McConnell 1,565/+96 – 1,661
Ind Arthur D McGuinness 34/+1 – 35
Ind Gerry McKeever 342/+12 – 354
Ind Frank O’Donnell 313/+15 – 328
Ind Thomas Pringle 5,239/+375 – 5,664
PBP Carol Gallagher 606/+63 – 669
Irish Freedom Eamon McGee 383/+16 – 399
Irish People Kim McMenamin 531/+11 – 542
The third count will see the distribution of Padraig MacLochlainn’s 324 surplus votes.
Counting will resume at 10am on Sunday.
General Election 2024
Electorate: 131,306
Quota: 12,771
Spoiled: 697
Total poll: 77,321
Valid poll 76, 624
Count 1
FG Nikki Bradley – 3,658
FG John McNulty 3,247
FF Pat the Cope 10,024
FF Charlie McConalogue 8,019
FF Claudia Kennedy 273
SF Pearse Doherty 18,898
SF Padraig MacLochlainn 9,799
SF Noel Jordan 3,321
Green Party Nuala Carr – 880
Aontu Mary T Sweneey 2,469
Ind Vincent Bradley 111
Ind Niall McConnell 1,565
Ind Arthur D McGuinness 34
Ind Gerry McKeever 342
Ind Frank O’Donnell 313
Ind Thomas Pringle 5,239
PBP Carol Gallagher 606
Irish Freedom Eamon McGee 383
Irish People Kim McMenamin 531
Distribute Pearse Doherty’s surplus of 6,127 to be distributed.

Pearse Doherty deep in conversation at the Aura. Photo: Brian McDaid
Returning Officer Geraldine O’Connor has announced the counting of Sinn Féin’s Pearse Doherty’s votes is underway.
Tallies for the Stranorlar boxes have been completed at the Aura Leisure Centre.
Overall tally figures show Sinn Féin have are again comfortably topping the polls in Donegal, tallies have put them at 42% (32,474).
However, this is down 3% from the 2020 General Election where they held 45% of the vote.
Fianna Fáil are on 24% (18,659), that is up 3% from 2020.
Tallies show Fine Gael have dropped 5% since Donegal last took to the polls. They are sitting on 9% (7,045) compared to 14% (10,647) in 2020.
Newcomers, 100% redress are on 9%, with close to 7,000 votes according to the tally.
Outgoing Independent TD Thomas Pringle is sitting on 7% (5,344) according to the finalised tally, down only 115 votes when compared to 2020.
Aontú are also sitting close to their 2020 share of the vote with 3% (2,481).
The final 6 percent is distributed amongst independents and other smaller parties who hold just shy of 5,000 votes. This is down 5% on 2020.
Tally figures in Stranorlar are finalising at the Aura Leisure Centre.
A first official count is growing closer and is expected at around 6pm.
There is a lull in proceedings at the Aura Leisure Centre where count staff are on a break.
A large percentage of the ballot boxes are now opened and tally figures are in for Milford, Letterkenny, Inishowen and Donegal.
The tally figures for Glenties are almost complete, and that just leaves the Stranorlar area.
We are slowly getting closer to a first official count.
Tally figures are almost complete for the Donegal area where Sinn Féin have once again polled well.
Thomas Pringle has 24.6% of the vote.
But it’s the performance of Cllr Noel Joran (Sinn Féin) that is perhaps just as significant. He has taken 20.5% of the vote in his home patch and that strong performance has prompted growing speculation that Sinn Féin could possibly take a third seat in the constituency. That will all depend on how Jordan performs when it comes to transfers.
Fine Gael appear to be struggling, and Kilcar’s John McNulty, according to the tallies, will take 15.9% of the vote in the Donegal area.
Pat the Cope Gallagher has taken 14.5% of the vote in Donegal.
All boxes in the Milford electoral area have now been opened and Sinn Féin’s surge towards another dominant performance in Donegal appears to be continuing.
According to the tally figures for Milford, Pearse Doherty has picked up 23.2% of the vote (1,777 votes) with Charlie McConalogue of Fianna Fáil taking 16.5% (1,266) and Padraig MacLochlainn 16.4% (1,252).
Fine Gael’s performance continues to disappoint party supporters. Senator Nikki Bradley, who lives in Milford, picked up 10.2% of the vote in Milford with 781 votes according to the tally figures.
Her party colleague John McNulty polled 2.5% (193 votes) while Pat ‘the Cope’ Gallagher polled 7% with 534 votes.
Tallies for the Letterkenny boxes have been complete at the Aura Leisure Centre are indicating a strong performance by outgoing TD Pearse Doherty
They show Doherty on 23.4% (2,999) of the vote with his party colleague Padraig MacLochlainn sitting on 13.6% (1,740).
Charlie McConalogue appears to have polled quite well in the Letterkenny area and sits on 13.5% (1,724).
His party colleague Pat ‘the Cope’ Gallagher has picked up 819 votes in Letterkenny and Thomas Pringle 440 votes.
The 100% Redress Party candidate Charles Ward has polled 12.4% of the vote (1,589).
Green Party candidate Nuala Carr who is from Letterkenny, polled 2.6% with 333 votes.
Letterkenny businessman Gerry McKeever, according to the tallies, has taken 247 votes in his home town; Mary T Sweeney 775 and Nikki Bradley 1,022.
Senator Bradley’s party colleague John McNulty has 245 votes.
So with Inishowen and Letterkenny boxes now opened, Sinn Féin look to be polling very strongly with Pearse Doherty on track to top the poll comfortably.

12.05 pm
With the Inishowen boxes now sorted, the tallying of the Letterkenny boxes has commenced.
The Inishowen boxes were the first boxes to be opened this morning and tallies are now available for the 62 boxes from the peninsula.
Tally figures suggest that Sinn Féin polled strongly in the area. Padraig MacLochlainn, SF, according to the tallies, has taken 32.6% of the vote picking up 6,211 votes. That compares to Charlie McConalogue, FF, (3,889), Pearse Doherty, SF, (3,111) and Charles Ward, 100% Redress, (2,464).
Tallies for the two Fine Gael candidates show that Nikki Bradley picked up 744 votes in Inishowen and John McNulty received 198.
Outgoing Independent TD Thomas Pringle, has 2.4% of the vote with 466 votes. Pat ‘the Cope’ Gallagher, FF, has 184 votes.
Tallies suggest Independent candidate Gerry McKeever received the least amount of votes in the area with 10 votes.
11.35 am
Counting staff discovered a wedding ring among the voting papers when they opened a ballot box at the Aura Leisure Centre this morning.
A note neatly taped to the top of the box indicated that a voter’s wedding ring had dropped into their ballot box when they cast their vote on Friday.

With the sorting of votes well underway at the Aura Leisure Centre this morning, early indications are that Sinn Féin are polling strongly.
The first boxes being opened this morning are from Inishowen and by 10.20am, tallies were available from around 30 boxes from the peninsula.
Tally figures suggest that 100% Redress Party candidate Charles Ward hasn’t done as well as he would have anticipated in Inishowen. Significantly, the tally figures indicated that in the boxes opened, Pearse Doherty (SF) has taken almost 300 more first preference votes than Ward.
Padraig MacLochlainn, according to the tallies of the first boxes opened, has taken 37.1% of the vote, picking up 2,653 votes. That compares to Charlie McConalogue (1,326), Pearse Doherty (1,100), and Charles Ward (834).
Early figures for the two Fine Gael candidates show Nikki Bradley picking up 277 votes in the first boxes opened; and John McNulty receiving 62 votes.
Outgoing TD Thomas Pringle has 2.0% of the vote in the first boxes opened with 140 votes. Pat ‘the Cope’ Gallagher has 59 votes.
There is a big media presence here at the Aura Leisure Centre, a lot of the candidates are also present.
Keep up to date with the tallies as they happen via the following link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13XJsbOQhPjel0sRWJXnl_0MUW2zExIvYRcEPv3muz2Q/edit?usp=drivesdk
Tallying has commenced at the Aura Leisure Centre in Letterkenny.
9 am
Good morning, we’re settled in and ready for a long and busy day ahead. We have team members working in the Aura Leisure Centre keeping you updated on everything as it happens. Our reporters Dionne Meehan, Louise Doyle, Róise Collins, Diarmaid Doherty and Evelyn Cullen are out and about with our photographers Brian McDaid and Declan Doherty.
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