See Friday and Monday’s Donegal News for a selection of News and Photographs from around the County this week.
Pictured are some of the staff at Penney’s Letterkenny who are going to complete the Pieta House, Darkness into Light 5k walk on Saturday morning in memory of their colleague Seamy Peoples. Photo: Donna El Assaad

Donegal motor dealers who are joining forces for the Donegal International Car Push 2017 in aid of Relay for Life are pictured above with Relay committee members Ena Barrett and Robert O'Connor at the launch in Letterkenny this week.

Monica Woods, Anne Boyle, Anna Kennedy, Grainne Hines, Myra O'Reilly, Eileen Farrelly and Nora Curran at the Bealtiane Festival launch in Letterkenny.

Cliona Campbell, Kathy Browne, Mark Gavigan and Anne McGill from Scoil Mhuire, Glenties are pictured with Aengus Kennedy Irish Water and Green-Schools, Suzanne Bogan, Waste Officer, Doengal County Council and Cllr Terence Slowey, Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council at the presentation of Green Flags by An Taisce Green-Schools today at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Letterkenny. Scoil Mhuire was awarded the Green Flag for the Water theme, which is sponsored and supported by Irish Water. This year 177 schools across Ireland will be awarded the Green Flag for the Water theme; 7 of which were awarded to schools from Donegal this year. Photo: Clive Wasson

Kathleen O'Donnell and Lucia Worth in training for the 620 km Porto to Lisbon cycle in aid of the Irish Hospice Foundation.
Posted: 2:46 pm May 5, 2017