FUNDING of nearly €40,000 has been granted to the local development group Coiste Forbartha Chnoc Fola to renovate the car park at Ionad Pobail Chnoc Fola in Bunaleaca.
The grant of €38,620 was sanctioned by Minister of State Joe McHugh TD (FG) yesterday to enable the group to carry out the work.
Minister McHugh said that he was pleased to be in a position to assist Coiste Forbartha Chnoc Fola in their project.
“Practical work is planned in this case which will benefit the local community and visitors alike,” he said.
This grant is being sanctioned under the action area: The Gaeltacht as part of the 20-Year Strategy for the Irish Language 2010-2030.
Posted: 6:05 pm September 24, 2017