
Five Minutes With Terry Bradley

Terry Bradley  at work

Terry Bradley at work

Melody by Terry bradley

“Melody” by Terry Bradley


Prior to tonight’s exhibition at The Crosshill Gallery we grabbed 5 minutes with the artist himself, Terry Bradley, to ask him some, well not so usual questions.

If you’d like to meet the man behind the art then call into The Crosshill Gallery tonight from 7pm. 

You could even win this framed limited edition piece named “Melody”, as everyone who attends the exhibition gets automatically entered into their prize draw. 

Join fellow enthusiasts tomorrow night from 7pm where you will be able to meet the artist and browse a collection of his stunning artwork.

If you were throwing a party and you could invite anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would you ask around?

TinTin, Sherlock Holmes, Groucho Marx, Spike Milligan.

If you weren’t an artist, what would you be?

A writer, I’m constantly writing in a diary and I’ve just finished a screenplay.

When you are not creating what do you like to do?

Hill walking with the dog. It clears my mind.


Which character, in any film, are you most like?


What is one of your favourite quotes?

Never Give Up

What was your favourite food when you were a child?

Bananas, I lived in them!

When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?

I meditate or cat nap.

What was the first thing you bought with your own money?

A bicycle.

The best part of waking up is?

I often wake up before dawn because I have an idea for a painting. I have to go straight to the studio and get it down on a canvas and then I can go back to bed again.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Living somewhere warm, preferably by the sea.






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