Name: Ryan McDaid
Age: 25
Occupation: Factory Worker
Team: Swilly Rovers
If you were throwing a party and you could invite anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would you ask around? The Hardy Bucks
Where do you like to go out to celebrate after a big victory? Had some good Sundays going between Durkan’s, O’Shaughnessy’s and Conway’s.
What’s the worst pitch you’ve ever played on? Ramelton Mariners’ pitch isn’t great.
Which character in any film are you most like? Billy the limpet from Mean Machine.
Any odd items in your kit bag? Nothing odd all the usual gear.
Who’s the biggest joker in the team you play for? Denis Ramelton McHugh.
Which team mate has the best looking other half? Kyle Black’s woman somehow puts up with him so I’ll give it to her.
Who is the worst/best trainer? Best would be Matthew Sweeney, never seems to get tired but just don’t give him the ball. Worst has to be Paddy Sheridan, always smiling but doesn’t have a notion what’s going on.
Who spends most time in front of the mirror in the dressing room? Shay Durning is always fixing at his hair, haven’t a clue why.
Who’s the best/worst person to sit beside on the team bus? Worst is Damien Friel he’d be blabbing on about the glory days and how he played in a defence that went 10 games without conceding a goal and then the best would be Dylan Hegarty, he’d be telling stories of what he got up to the night before.
Who has the best and who has the worst diet on the team, and what does it include? We did a fun run last year and Oran Dunworth stopped for a burger half way round, James McCahill’s diet was half decent for a while.
Toughest opponent you have faced? Mark Moran from Cockhill.
Best or worst quote you’ve heard, either from a manager, player, opponent? Cathal Diver once asked the ref how long was gone and the ref told him 22 minutes, he then asked him ‘what’s left?’
Best manager you’ve ever played under? Marty McDaid, he led us to reserve cup glory.
Best ever performance? Scoring the perfect hat-trick against Dungloe U12s is probably were I peaked.
One to forget? Missed three one-on-ones away to Gweedore last year.
Sporting ambition? To win the Arranmore Cup
When you were playing in the back garden, who did you pretend to be? Thierry Henry
If you were in charge of transfers, who’d be in and who’d be out of the team? Laurence Toland would be in and I’d send Shaun Crossan straight back to Manor.