

Name: Jamie McKinney


Occupation: Cadet in the Irish Defence Forces

Team: Kildrum Tigers

If you were throwing a party and you could invite anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would you ask around?
Definitely Jonny McGinty the man is an absolute comedy show. Makes every night out!

Where do you like to go out to celebrate after a big victory?
Chuck’s Tavern then a party at the house of whoever is the easiest to convince.

What’s the worst pitch you’ve ever played on?
Kilmacrennan at the Community Centre. Pitch has no bobbles so there’s nothing to blame when you let the ball run under your foot and they’re in on goal.

Which character in any film are you most like?
Jay from the Inbetweeners I’m told.

Any odd items in your kit bag?
Always keep a pair of superflys in the bag in case the gaffer decides to put me up top at half-time but haven’t needed them yet.


Who’s the biggest joker in the team you play for?
Never a dull moment with Jonny McGinty but the king Kevin McHugh is always up to something crafty too.

Which teammate has the best looking other half?
Probably myself. Punching big time.

Who is the worst/best trainer?
Worst: Damien ‘Del boy’ Crossan plays every match but always comes to training in his white jeans pretending he’s injured. Best: Big William Lynch never misses a session but he never misses a takeaway in Matt’s after too!

Who spends most time in front of the mirror in the dressing room?
Reece Duncan always looking at his muscles and running about tensing in extra small boys t-shirts.

Who’s the best/worst person to sit beside on the team bus?

Best: Ryan Kildea because he’s loves chatting about Kildrum and is the number one supporter. Worst: The Mad Dog (Dessie McGinty) always tells you how bad you are.

Who has the best and who has the worst diet on the team, and what does it include?
Best: Shane McGinty only eats steaks and burritos.
Worst: William Lynch and Jonny McGinty both eat donner kebabs for breakfast.

Toughest opponent you have faced?
Adam Idah. Marked him out of it but!

Best or worst quote you’ve heard, either from a manager, player, opponent?
Best speech before a match was Shane McGinty before the U19 Foyle Cup final for Kildrum. We had Norwich City in the final and everybody went in to the changing room expecting to get hammered. Shane pulled out two bottles of champagne before the match set them on the table and said “these are for the celebrations after the match do not be coming back into this changing room unless you have the cup”. We went out and beat them 1-0 – will never forget it!

Best manager you’ve ever played under?
Shane McGinty he’ll definitely go places managing. The man does everything to perfection. Next Biesla!

Best ever performance?
Oscar Traynor against Sligo away. Came on with 15 minutes to go at 1-1. I’m a centre back and they put me right wing. I chipped the keeper to score and set the other one up to win 3-1. I was going to hang up the boots after that one and retire happy!

One to forget? Thinking I was Manuel Neuer against Drumkeen in the last league game of the season and saving one off the line with my hand to get sent off. Missed the Brian McCormick semi for it.

Sporting ambition?
Captain the Tigers to win the FAI Cup and donegal league!

When you were playing in the back garden, who did you pretend to be?
John Terry used to always put on my boots and two foot my ma!

If you were in charge of transfers, who’d be in and who’d be out of the team?
Out: William Lynch would be put on the free transfer list to anyone who would take him due to the fact he gets sent off every game and doesn’t score any goals! In: Duncan Patterson quality player but I’d probably lose my own place then so might have to re-think!

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