Conor Dalton
Name: Conor Dalton
Age: 20
Occupation: Quantity Surveyor
Team: Robert Emmets
If you were throwing a party and you could invite anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would you ask around? I’d say Paul Gascoigne would be a laugh.
Where do you like to go out to celebrate after a big victory? Tinney’s Bar
What’s the worst pitch you’ve ever played on? Naomh Colmcille
Which character in any film are you most like? Probably Phil out of the Hangover.
Any odd items in your kit bag? Nothing out of the ordinary
Who’s the biggest joker in the team you play for? Probably Shane McAleer or Paddy Dooher – always a laugh with them two boys.
Which team mate has the best looking other half? Mark Lafferty
Who is the worst/best trainer? Best is definitely Corrie Lee Bogan. Worst is Ronan Kennedy
Who spends most time in front of the mirror in the dressing room? Aaron Dalton doing his hair.
Who’s the best/worst person to sit beside on the team bus? Worst is Ronan Kennedy – he’ll give you a sore head.
Who has the best and who has the worst diet on the team, and what does it include? Best diet is Dean McBrearty. Worst is Reece Gallagher
Toughest opponent you have faced? Stephen McNenamin is always a tough opponent.
Best or worst quote you’ve heard, either from a manager, player, opponent? Vincent lafferty “Boys yous are running round there with the heads down like someone has kicked your dog.” I still don’t know what he meant by it.
Best manager you’ve ever played under? Probably Dean McBrearty
Best ever performance? Muff last year I played fairly well
One to forget? Moville three years ago in the league was a cricket score.
Sporting ambition? Win Junior Championship with the club.
When you were playing in the back garden, who did you pretend to be? Colm Cooper
If you were in charge of transfers, who’d be in and who’d be out of the team? Have to be Corrie Lee Bogan out – never turns up on time as he’s always picking various women up in the car. David Clifford would be in instead