

Calvin Bradley

Name: Calvin Bradley

Age: 24


Part time Soldier

Red Hughs

If you were throwing a party and you could invite anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would you ask around? I’m not allowed any more house parties or the woman will give me my ticket!!

Where do you like to go out to celebrate after a big victory? I would normally go straight home but if i was really pushed I would go to Browne’s and maybe the Warehouse or River Club!

What’s the worst pitch you’ve ever played on?
Naomh Padraig Lifford.

Which character in any film are you most like? Bradley Cooper in American Sniper!

Any odd items in your kit bag?
Shirt and Jeans in case we take the random notion of going for a few.


Who’s the biggest joker in the team you play for?
Karol Gallen or Stephen McMenamin whenever they decide to turn up!

Which team mate has the best looking other half? There’s a few boys punching above their weight but would have to say Ryan Kelly for sure!

Who is the worst/best trainer?
Worst: Gerry Melaugh always happens to be on duty! Best: Luke Kelly never misses even though he never gets a game..

Who spends most time in front of the mirror in the dressing room?
Our manager Seosamh McKelvey loves getting dolled up before his big nights in Browne’s!

Who’s the best/worst person to sit beside on the team bus?
Usually take the cars Shane McGlinchey easily the worst always late!

Who has the best and who has the worst diet on the team, and what does it include?
Thomas McMenamin enjoys a cheeky Chinese after training on a Friday night, the best would probably be Damien Browne if he drinks two bottles of beer he has to run it off the next morning!

Toughest opponent you have faced?
Our own Stephen McMenamin would be up there but I just wouldn’t tell him. Only played a few games so far this year so I’ll go with Brendan McCole from last year.

Best or worst quote you’ve heard, either from a manager, player, opponent?

‘Go at them like the waves of Tory’ – Donal Reid

Best manager you’ve ever played under?
Martin Wilson at underage and had a few characters at seniors between Donal Reid and Joe Carlin. I’ll wait ’til end of year to decide on current manager!!

Best ever performance?
Probably going back a few years now so I’m due a good one on one of these days!

One to forget? Championship Final last year.

Sporting ambition?
Get Red Hughs back to Senior Championship

When you were playing in the back garden, who did you pretend to be?
Peter Canavan

If you were in charge of transfers, who’d be in and who’d be out of the team?
Out: Odhran Doherty, Michael Devine, David Gallen (completely ignore the other 14 players in their team). In: Gavin Reilly and Diarmuid Connolly once they’re finished up with the football in Boston!

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