Noel O Gallchoir, organiser of the Drama Festival presenting Best Young Actor Awardg to Manus O Duibhir, teacher in Scoil Adhamhnain, Lunniagh who accepted it on behalf of Joseph Mac Aoidh.
FIFTEEN dramas were staged in the Grianán Theatre, Letterkenny as part of the annual Féile Scoildrámaíochta Ghaoth Dobhair which took place on Sunday. The adjudicator was Pól Mc Avinchy from Co. Armagh.
The overall winner for the best drama staged at the festival went to Pobal Scoil Ghaoth Dobhair for their presentation of “Caitlín Ní hUallacháin”.
They were presented with Corn Cuimhneachain Áine Nic Giolla Bhríde. He awarded the Best Actor award to Jack Ó Gallchóir, of Pobal Scoil Ghaoth Dobhair for his acting part of Feidhlimidh in the drama, “Arís”, while awarded the best actress award to Rosie Nic Gairbheith from the same school, for her acting role of the old woman in the drama, “Caitlín Ní hUallacháin”.
The award for the best new script went to, “Triail an Drabhlasaigh” written by Proinnsias Ó Cuilinn and staged by Céim Aniar, Na Dúnaibh.
The adjudicator presented the following Special Awards: Best Young Actor, Joseph McAoidh, [Tír na nÓg, Scoil Adhamhnáin, Lunniagh], Best Young Actress: Laura Pasoma [ Céim Aniar, Na Dúnaibh].
He also presented a Special Award to “Síocáin faoi dheiread”, staged by Gairmscoil na Mainstreach, Dún na nGall, and Gael Scoil Adhamhnáin, Letterkenny.
He nominated the following groups to compete in the Ulster Drama Festival which will be held in the Grianán Theatre, Letterkenny on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th March: “An Turas”, staged by Scoil Bhríde, Lettermacward; “An Chulaith” and “Triail an Drabhlasaigh” by Céim Aniar, Na Dúnaibh; “Síocháin faoi dheiread” by Gairmscoil na Mainistreach, Dún na nGall; “Caitlín Ní hUallacháin” and “Arís” by Pobal Scoil Ghaoth Dobhair; “Fuadach” and “Trioblóidí” by Coláiste Ailigh, Letterkenny and “An Taobh Amuigh” by Club Óige Chríost Rí, Machaire Rabhartaigh.