
Eunan’s Rivalry helps Naomh Conaill improve – Boyle

MARTY Boyle believes the intense rivalry that has built up between Naomh Conaill and St Eunan’s has done nothing but improve both teams as they aspire to be better than each other.

The pair meet in the league final today at 3pm in MacCumhaill Park and once again it should be a great contest between two of the best teams in the past decade of Donegal football.

And while they will meet each other in the championship at the end of the month, Boyle insists that the league is the priority for the weekend.


“When you get to a final you want to win it. We take everything serious and obviously you’re building towards championship but the biggest thing ahead of us is this league game at the weekend and it’ll be a good test, there’s no tougher team than Eunan’s.

“The two of us are well balanced no matter how many from each team are missing and I’m sure they’ll be looking forward to it.

“We’ve only missed them once in the championship I think since Martin has been manager between groups, semi-finals or finals but listen, that’s what you want.

“When you get to my age you appreciate that rivalry and it’s what makes us get back every year because you know if you’re not, they’re going to be doing it and winning.”

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