Niamh Cuffe, Niall Brennan and Fiona Brennan from Errigal Groove Orchestra in Donegal at the National Youth Arts Showcase Photo: Marc O’Sullivan
YOUNG people from Errigal Groove Orchestra were one of only five groups from around Ireland selected to perform at the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) Youth Arts Showcase 2013, which took place on Wednesday 3rd of July in the National Library, Dublin. They took the opportunity to speak directly to public representatives about their experiences of participating in the arts and the benefits it brings.
Officially opened this year by Minister for Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan T.D., the annual event aims to showcase the exceptional quality of youth arts activity happening throughout Ireland and celebrate the contribution of youth arts to the lives of young people and to Irish society.
“The National Youth Arts Showcase allows us to share and celebrate a small proportion of the massive contribution young people make to our rich cultural heritage,” said Anne O’Gorman of the NYCI Youth Arts Programme, speaking at the event.
“The showcase also highlights that access to the arts for young people is a right, not a privilege. Our reputation as a nation of artists, writers, actors and musicians is disproportionate to our small size, and disproportionate to public funding investment. We want to ensure that the promotion of Ireland as a culturally rich society is a lived reality for all our young people,” continued Ms O’Gorman.
“Youth arts is where the next generation of artists find their voice, upon whom we depend to maintain our status as a leading nation for artistic and cultural endeavour, which makes a significant contribution to the cultural, social and economic well being of the country,” concluded Ms O’Gorman.