With the recent increase in Donegal based food outlets being served enforcement orders or closure orders under the FSAI Act, there has never been a better to time to upskill your employees to ensure the highest level of cleanliness in the kitchen. For those of you looking for work in the catering/hospitality sector, having these courses will set your CV aside from others.
Food Safety & HACCP
This is a four and half day course which is best suited to kitchen managers, chefs and cooks. Participants will have a thorough understanding of EU legislation in regards to food businesses which require food businesses to operate a food safety system based on the principles of HACCP. This course is QQI Level 5 accredited. Our next course is commencing on Friday 7th July.
Basic Food Hygiene
This is a one day course which is suitable for anyone who will be handling food, for example deli assistants, waitresses, kitchen porters etc. On completion of this course all participants will be aware of the importance of good food hygiene practices. This course is CIEH accredited. Our next course is commencing on Friday 21st July.
Funding Available
Safetech are delighted to have the support from Brenda Donagher in Rural Enterprise Skillnet for this course. RES is offering up to 25% funding towards this training for those employed within the private sector. This is a great boost for local businesses as it has been found to aid employee growth & retention rates.
For the unemployed, there is also funding available from the department of social protection (up to €500 per annum if eligible). In order to avail of this, an appointment should be made with your local Intreo Office. Letterkenny (0749160460)
Other Training
Safetech also run manual handling and first aid on a weekly basis along with a wide variety of other training course. For a full list of our training, please visit www.safetech.ie