EARAGAIL Arts Festival and Imram bring you Triuir agus Triur – Three Poets, Three Guitars.
Taking place on Monday 21st July in Ionad Naomh Padraig, Dobhar/Dore, the performance will bring together three poets and three guitarists, Gearoid Mac Lochlainn and Mark Braidner, Dairena Ni Chinneide and Steve Cooney and Proinsias Mac a’Bhaird and Enda O’Reilly.
Proinsias Mac a’ Bhaird’s poetry is marked by a natural ease of expression, lyricism and sheer fun. He will be joined by acclaimed guitarist and singer Enda O’Reilly.
Dairena Ní Chinnéide’s poetry is an incantatory fusion of the modern and the ancient. She will be accompanied by guitar supremo Steve Cooney.
Gearóid Mac Lochlainn’s latest collection Criss-Cross Mo Chara pulses with musical themes and patterns, and he will be accompanied by ace blues guitarist Mark Braidner.
Monday 21st July, 8.30pm, Ionad Naomh Padraig, Dobhar / Dore. Admission €12/€10.
For full details on the Earagail Arts programme visit www.eaf.ie. Earagail Arts Festival is funded by The Arts Council of Ireland, Fáilte Ireland and Donegal County Council.