ONE of the highlights of this year’s Earagail Arts Festival is Imaginarium, presented by landscape theatre company LUXe. It’s all-weather, post-modern, mixed-media, multi-spiritual, performance art.
This processional spectacle involves walking over uneven ground at night and invites strangers to gather together to make an illuminated journey though the starry Imaginarium in search of celebration.
Participants should dress for the weather and bring their lantern, water boots and refreshments to share – from wine to cake, tea, biscuits or whatever takes their fancy for a feast under the starry sky.
Lantern making workshops will take place prior to the event in selected locations and places can be booked via the website www.eaf.ie.
Car-sharing is encouraged as parking for this celebration is limited by ticket. Imaginarium takes place in Ards Forest Park, Creeslough, Co, Donegal on Saturday, 26th July at 9pm. Tickets cost €20 per car.