The festival organisers would also like to take the time now to thank their principal funders the Arts Council of Ireland, Failte Ireland and Donegal County Council and also like to thank all the additional funders, sponsors, production partners and their fantastic friends and patrons.
It’s been another great year for the festival with sell-out performances across the programme and some really special new work created by artists from across Donegal.
Festival Director, Paul Brown said: “The reaction to the Earagail Arts Festival programme this year has been the most positive yet, with 120 amazing shows performed by over 800 artists and participants from across the globe.
“The whole team, including all our volunteers have worked extremely hard with much less resources to deliver another festival that reached out to so many people across county Donegal and beyond.
“We’re especially proud of those artists who call Donegal home –musicians, actors, writers, poets, visual artists, who performed, crafted and celebrated new work that was on a par with anything internationally. They delivered the 23rd festival to spellbinding audiences and with their art made us all feel that little bit prouder of who we are.
“I believe in that in the age of twitter and Facebook, festival is not only a celebration of who we are culturally but offers the real-life opportunity for us to connect face to face. I’d like to thank everyone who came out to support events and joined in this year.”
The festival now looks to next year and beyond as the 25th anniversary in 2013 looms large. Keep an eye out on developments by signing up to the festival newsletter at
For more Entertainment News see this Friday’s Donegal News