
DSP Coordinator welcomes physical activity report

The publication of the latest research by Sport Ireland into physical activity among adults and children in Ireland has been welcomed by Donegal Sports Partnership Coordinator, Myles Sweeney.
“This report gives us a true and accurate picture of participation in sports and physical activity across all ages,” Mr. Sweeney commented.
“Some of the positives include the two per cent increase in children meeting daily recommended physical activity guidelines since 2018; the three per cent rise in adult participation rates increase since 2021 and confirmation that attendances at sporting events are almost back at pre-pandemic levels,” he added.
“The report also highlights areas that need addressing. Among these is the reduction in the number of post-primary students walking to school since 2018, and the fact that the adult sports volunteering and club membership rates remain lower than pre-pandemic levels.
“The gender gap in adult sports participation stays at five per cent and Donegal Sports Partnership remains committed to making equality in this area a reality, sooner rather than later,” the DSP Coordinator said.
“The best example we had locally of participation and volunteerism was the Donegal Half Marathon that was held in Letterkenny at the weekend. We had almost 400 adults of various ages and abilities taking part – that’s an increase of around 100 compared to 2022. We had around 80 boys and girls participating in the children’s races and we had well over 100 volunteers who helped both on the day of the race and on the days before.
“There was a great feel-good factor around the Donegal Half Marathon and hopefully the numbers who are part of the event, be that taking part or helping out, will continue on the upward curve.
“We are very much into getting people moving, getting them active and encouraging them to adopt a better and healthier lifestyle. So, from our point of view, the event ties in extremely well with our objectives,” Mr. Sweeney added.
The latest Sport Ireland report was conducted in 2022 through the Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity Study (CSPPA) and the Irish Sports Monitor (ISM).

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