
Donegal teenager jailed for 40-minute garda chase

by Eimear Dodd and Jessica Magee

A TEENAGE driver who led gardaí on a 40-minute chase over 80km has been jailed for three years at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

Aaron Donnelly (18) was sent forward from the District Court on signed pleas of two counts of endangerment at Tolka Valley Road and at North Frederick St, Dublin, on November 30, 2011.


Donnelly, of Rathmullan, also admitted one count of the unlawful use of a vehicle without consent at St Mary’s Road, Finglas, on the same date.

Judge Martin Nolan sentenced Donnelly to four years with the final year suspended and disqualified him from driving for six years.

In his ruling yesterday, Judge Nolan placed the offence in the “middle to high” range of endangerment and said Donnelly had driven very dangerously and at very high speed.

The judge backdated the sentence to January 12 this year, noting Donnelly’s young age and the fact that he was doing well in custody.

An investigating garda told the court previously that three youths were spotted acting suspiciously in a car at around 1.30 am.

Donnelly was driving the car, which accelerated at high speed, travelling at 160kmph.

During the chase, the car drove at high speed on the wrong side of a blind bend, drove through red traffic lights and on the wrong side of the road.


Along the Ballymun Road, sparks were seen coming from the car as it went over speed bumps.

At one point during the pursuit, another vehicle had to mount the footpath to avoid a collision.

Donnelly drove the car into the city centre, where it travelled at 100kmph on the wrong side of Dame Street.

On College Green, the car went through a red light, forcing a taxi off the road then continued at high speed on O’Connell Street.

Donnelly also drove on the Luas track. He lost control of the car while driving the wrong way up Parnell Square.

Donnelly also drove through red lights at a junction, forcing a bus to brake suddenly.

The car continued at high speed along a route that included North Circular Road, Griffith Avenue and Naul Road, where smoke was seen coming from the vehicle.

The vehicle continued at high speed on the wrong side of Cappagh Road.

When it reached Tolka Valley Road, several youths had to jump out of the way to avoid the car. At one point during the pursuit, the car undertook an articulated truck by mounting the footpath.

Donnelly attempted to evade a garda stinger device placed on the old N2 by driving on the verge, but two tyres were deflated. Donnelly continued to drive the unstable car at speed. The car later stopped at a cul de sac.

Donnelly attempted to flee but was caught by gardaí.

Gardaí contacted the registered owner of the car, who confirmed they had been out of the country and returned home to find their vehicle missing.

Donnelly has 15 previous convictions, including for theft, assault and road traffic offences.

The garda agreed with defence counsel that Donnelly was aged 16 when this incident occurred. They confirmed there were no reports of damage to other vehicles and no reported injuries.

Defence counsel said her client made no attempt to conceal his identity and cooperated with gardaí.

The court heard that Donnelly had a diagnosis of ADHD, and a school report said he was doing well and availing of opportunities presented to him.

Judge Nolan said that Donnelly had a difficult upbringing and “didn’t get much advantages”.

Donnelly was ordered to abide by the supervision of probation services for one year on release and to abide by their directions.

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