
Donegal receives €1.15 million from Renewal Scheme

Joe McHugh.


AN ALLOCATION of €1.15 million has been made to Donegal for 13 projects under the Government’s Town and Village Renewal Scheme.


The allocation will fund digital hubs in Kilcar, Carrigart/Downings and on Arranmore Island as well as enhancement schemes in Rathmullan, St Johnston, Burtonport, Convoy, Dunkineely, Falcarragh, Ballyliffin, Churchill and Mountcharles. The funding will also go towards an information Kiosk at Newtowncunnigham.

The funding for Donegal was the third highest in the country, according to Minister of State Joe McHugh TD (FG).

“The Town and Village Renewal Scheme is an important part of Fine Gael’s work to rejuvenate and revitalise rural Ireland and should have a significant impact on towns and villages across the county,” said Minister McHugh.

“Here in Donegal we have placed a particular emphasis this year on projects which have the capacity to support the economic development of rural town and villages as well as their neighbouring townlands. The scheme will also support improvements to public amenities in our town and village centres, to help make them more attractive places in which to live and work and to visit.”

Minister McHugh paid tribute to Minister Michael Ring for the funding and said there will be imaginative projects around health, well-being, tourism and other projects which will enhance villages and towns.

“I want to thank the Donegal County Council for their efforts and co-operation in engaging with local and business communities to identify these projects. Most of the funding will benefit towns and villages, with populations of less than 5,000 people,” added Minister McHugh.

Across the country €21.6 million was allocated for projects in 281 towns and villages right across rural Ireland.  
