THE Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) has launched a new campaign in partnership with Donegal County Council to ensure landlords register their tenancies in the county.
CSO figures suggest that 9.2 per cent of tenancies in Donegal that should be registered with the RTB have not been, and the county is one of seven which are being targeted.
The campaign will see Donegal County Council working closely with the RTB in a multi media publicity campaign to increase landlord awareness of the need to register tenancies annually.
The campaign will also highlight the serious consequences of failure to register, including a civil sanction of up to €15,000 or a criminal prosecution with possible fines of up to €4,000.
In addition to public information activities, the new drive is also intended to increase data sharing and referrals of unregistered tenancies by Donegal County Council’s housing teams to the RTB.
The public information campaign will run until February 28, and collaboration between Donegal County Council and the RTB to identify unregistered tenancies and drive compliance will continue
throughout 2025.
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