
Donegal hoteliers appeal to election candidates

HOTELIERS in Donegal are urging local election candidates to prioritise the tourism and hospitality industry if elected.

In an open letter, signed by Aisling Arnold, Chair of the Irish Hotels Federation Donegal Branch, hoteliers highlight the critical role of tourism to the county’s economy and call for supportive policies to address current challenges and ensure sustainable growth.

Tourism is a cornerstone of Ireland’s economic landscape, providing balanced regional growth and supporting over 270,000 jobs nationwide, with approximately 8,000 in Donegal alone.


The letter outlines the sector’s significance as the largest indigenous employer and a vital contributor to Donegal’s local economy.

Despite recent recoveries, the tourism and hospitality sector is grappling with several pressing issues. Rising operational expenses are straining businesses, while economic uncertainties affect consumer spending, according to hoteliers.

Additionally, finding qualified staff remains a challenge, and fluctuations in key tourism markets pose risks to long-term stability.

The IHF calls on local authorities to foster a conducive environment for tourism through greater collaboration with state agencies and industry bodies to develop regional tourism initiatives and promote year-round visitor attraction.

The organisation emphasises the untapped potential of community-based tourism initiatives, which can enhance tourism during off-peak seasons by creating events and activities that draw visitors.

A focus on government efficiencies is also highlighted, with the IHF Donegal Branch advocating for cost-saving measures in local government services to reduce business rates and improve competitiveness.

Addressing the housing crisis is another priority, as the shortage of accommodation is impacting the ability of tourism enterprises to attract and retain employees.


The letter also advocates for national policies favourable to tourism, specifically calling for a reduction in the VAT rate on food-related services from the current level to 9%, to alleviate the financial pressures on businesses exacerbated by the recent VAT increase.

Chairperson Arnold urges candidates to make tourism a central topic in local economic discussions and to support policies that will bolster the industry. The success of Donegal’s tourism sector, she argues, is pivotal to the county’s overall economic health.

The Donegal Branch of the IHF hopes that by raising these issues, local election candidates will recognise the importance of the tourism sector and work towards policies that support its continued growth and sustainability.

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