
Do you have an eye for a good photo?

By Evelyn Cullen

Do you have an eye for a good photo and appreciate the hard work of volunteers in Donegal? Then get snapping, and if you enter your photos in the Donegal Volunteers Photography competition, which was launched this week, you could be in with a chance of winning a great prize.

Volunteering in Action
In a competition that celebrates great amateur photography as well as the great work of volunteers in our community, the Donegal Volunteers Centre together with the Donegal County Museum launched the photography competition on Monday, in partnership with the Donegal News. With a theme of ‘Volunteering in Action’ the competition, now in its fourth year, aims to promote and celebrate the work of volunteers across the county.


There is a second category on the theme of heritage, inviting photographs which capture ‘heritage in action’. “Many heritage organisations simply couldn’t function without the help of volunteers,” said Caroline Carr of the Donegal County Museum. “And we want to highlight the work that these people do.”

“We have hundreds of people volunteering every year,” said John Curran, manager of the Donegal Volunteer Centre. “Their reasons for volunteering are generally a desire to give back to their community, to build social connections and to upskill.”

Examples of volunteers
“It’s the bingo caller in your local village, the people painting walls in Rathmullan, the people giving their time to help out at Relay for Life, the Northwest 10K or Darkness into Light,” said Eamonn Bonner of the Donegal Volunteer Centre.

In light of the recent sad passing of Dessie Kelly in Letterkenny, Donegal News Editor Diarmaid Doherty said Dessie was the perfect example of a volunteer who gave so much to his community. “He gave his life to volunteering, he was a big personality, involved in everything, especially football, and this competition is about highlighting and celebrating people like that,” Diarmaid said.

Winning photo
Asked what makes a winning photo, Eamonn Bonner said: “Last year’s winning photo was a scene from a crafts workshop for people with disabilities. It’s natural, un-posed and the people are happily engaged with what they are doing. It really captures volunteering in action,” he said. “And that’s the kind of photo we are looking for.”

A shortlist of six photos will be drawn up for each category, they will be printed on attractive foam boards and displayed in the museum on Culture Night, September 20.

Great opportunity and open to all
People from all walks of life are invited to enter the competition. Indeed, newly elected councillor in Inishowen, Ali Farren is a former runner-up and winner. The competition can also be a springboard for people to get recognition for their photography with winning photos having appeared on billboards across the county. “And with up to six or seven hundred people through the door on Culture Night, it’s a great opportunity to have your photo on display in the museum.” said Caroline Carr.


Prizes include €100 voucher for Magees Chemist Photo Lab, cash prizes of €300 and €50, and runners up and winners will also be featured in this paper.

Entry is free and should be sent to . Entrants are advised to check the terms and conditions before sending their photos such as formats and sizes to send them in, as well how to caption them. The closing date is August 24.

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