The new play is a project supported by the Reconciliation through the Riverine Project which is managed by Donegal County Council in collaboration with Strabane District Council and funded by the International Fund for Ireland.
A NEW one-act theatre play based on shared stories from the river around the Lifford Castlefinn areas will premier next week.
The Voice of Older People Donegal are delighted to announce that Down By The River will be premiered at Castlederg Youth Hall on April 8 at 2pm.
The new play is a project supported by the Reconciliation through the Riverine Project which is managed by Donegal County Council in collaboration with Strabane District Council and funded by the International Fund for Ireland.
The project developed from work in reminiscence theatre undertaken by the Voice of Older People and evolved and from a research phase Shared Stories where stories of persons living along the border area were gathered.
These past memory stories from one-to-one interviews and community groups interviews, were then woven to create a collective narrative play representing the thoughts and experiences of those who contributed.
Down By The River takes the audience on a gentle ramble down memory lane, along the banks of the river Foyle. The play is set in a fictional river bank location, in the Castlefinn area.
The production features cross border actors, Maura Logue as Annie Gallagher, Paula McMullen as Violet Tucky, Ivan Macken as Towley Brooker and John Kane as Daire McCann.
The music for the piece features the work of Strabane Songwriter Pete O’Hanlon and North Donegal Songwriter Kevin Doherty.
Maura Logue of Dark Daughter Productions has written this specially commissioned play. She has written a number of issue based Plays including Age Rage (Ballyshannon Twilight Active Age Group), When is a House not a Home, (St Johnson’s Second Chance Education Project) and At the Touch of a Button (Comhairle).
Down By The River is an easy listening 40-minute play peppered with humour, yarns, and everyday tales from ordinary people. The stories will prompt memories for the listener of life in past times, down by the river.
Following the premiere at Castlederg Youth Hall, the play then embark on a tour of East Donegal and Border areas throughout early April.
Donegal dates include St Johnston FRC, April 9, 2pm; Lifford Courthhouse, April 10, 12noon; The Columban Hall, Newtowncunningham, April 11, 2pm; The Balor Arts Centre, Ballybofey, April 12, 2pm; and Raphoe Cathedral Hall, April 15, 2pm.