
Colm Ferry – an unsung hero who was dedicated to his community

By Paddy Walsh

As the local election campaign nears its conclusion, one man has already claimed his seat in Letterkenny!

At the unveiling of a memorial bench on the town’s High Road in honour of the late Colm Ferry, a stalwart of the community, reference was made to his keen interest in politics with Mayor of the Letterkenny-Milford Municipal District, Kevin Bradley recalling arriving at the count centre during the last election to be greeted with the words: “You’re at 993 here now, Kevin, we’re in business!”.


“I hadn’t realised how big he was into politics until then,” Cllr Bradley remarked.

But long before, Colm’s native town was at least aware of his contribution to both the Credit Union where he worked and to the Letterkenny Community Heritage Group both of which combined to honour his memory.

The simple stone bench, located just opposite the Credit Union and between Mac’s Mace and the Donegal County Museum where he would have spent much of his spare time, was, the speakers at the unveiling maintained, a fitting tribute to the much loved personality who passed away five years ago this month.

Unveiling the bench, Deputy CEO of Letterkenny Credit Union, Gail Griffin, said she was grateful to be asked to honour and remember Colm Ferry who, she described, as a true gentleman.

He had many passions in life but none more than his dedication to the Credit Union and the local Community Heritage Group – working tirelessly on behalf of both organisations.

“That shows in the strength and dedication that he had to the community and to the financial progression of Letterkenny but also preserving the rich history, traditions and ethos that defines us as well,” the C.U. representative declared.

“I think you’d all agree that Colm was a very intelligent, kind and thoughtful man and anyone that met him would say that as well.”


The bench would serve as a daily reminder of what he had done for the community and gave those who knew him the opportunity to sit down and reflect on his various contributions and remember him.

“He was a great, great friend, and anyone in the Credit Union would say that as well,” she added.

The term “absolute gentleman” was a recurring theme among those who spoke later in the County Museum with Cllr. Bradley describing the location of the memorial bench as a “very fitting tribute” in honour of Colm Ferry.

“He was good aul craic and there was always one liners coming at you,” the Mayor recalled.

Introducing proceedings, M.C. for the occasion, Brian Walsh, welcomed in particular relations of Colm who had travelled from Gaoth Dobhair and Annagry for the unveiling.

“Colm was a man who had a generous mind, a generous heart, and also a generous plastic bag!.”

The Heritage Group had honoured him with a special tribute night in the Station House Hotel and on that occasion, the M.C. recalled Fr. Eamonn Kelly remembering one of the mystery tours undertaken as part of the Letterkenny Reunion and Colm aboard one of the buses and someone maintaining it was a bit warm.

“The bus pulled in for a little stop somewhere and Colm trotted out. He went into this shop and came out with a plastic bag loaded with bottles of water and distributed them all around the bus.”

Colm had been an “unsung hero” in the community with the M.C. recalling the Letterkenny Memories nights when Colm would be the first to arrive and the last to leave.

He would go around the attendance looking for donations for the tea and coffee.

“I suspect the collections have never been as good since!.”

It was appropriate also that the unveiling was taking place in the middle of an election campaign given Colm’s passion for politics.

Referring to the latter’s widespread interests, the M.C. indicated.

“Colm was someone who had many excuses not to turn up at things but he turned up over and over again.”

A round of warm applause, as generous as that plastic bag, brought the proceedings to a close.

The unsung hero, now very definitely a sung hero in the community he loved.

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