
Ciara Browne is first Aurivo Creeslough Student Support Programme recipient

A SIXTH year student from Pobalscoil Chloich Cheannfhaola in Falcarragh has been named as the first recipient of the Aurivo Creeslough Student Support Programme.

Aurivo are proud to announce Ciara Browne as the recipient.

Earlier this year, the Co-Op committed to supporting one student each year, over the next five years, from the Creeslough community to progress to further education or apprenticeship opportunities.


Ciara, is Aurivo’s first recipient of the support fund of €2,000 per student. Ciara will study Theology and Arts at The National University of Ireland, Maynooth and stated in her application ‘I hope to become one of these people who are of true value in our local community, who strive to help others and not just themselves.

That led me to theology. Following my undergraduate degree I hope to pursue further study and become a Guidance Counsellor.’

The Aurivo Creeslough Student Support Programme fund was fundraised directly by Aurivo employees in support of the community of Creeslough in 2022.

Commenting, Sheila Maloney, General Manager of Aurivo Agribusiness said: “We are thrilled to be able to contribute to Ciara’s education as she begins her next chapter at university. The Aurivo Creeslough Student Support Programme is an extension of Aurivo’s commitment to education and training, empowering individuals and fostering growth within the communities we serve. Ciara, we wish you every success and are looking forward to catching up with you along the way.”

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