AMHARCLANN Ghaoth Dobhair is the venue for the local schools drama festival organised by An Cumann Scoildrámaíochta tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday. Beidh na drámaí ar fad i nGaeilge agus is cúis mhór dóchais agus misnigh go bhfuil an oiread sin drámaí ag glacadh páirt. Thirty four plays will be performed over the two days by […]
Maria Doherty confirmed as Sinn Féin candidate
SINN Fein held a selection convention in the Beach Hotel in Downings last night when Maria Doherty, daughter of the former Sinn Féin Vice President and West Tyrone MP, Pat Doherty, was confirmed as the party’s candidate for the new three seat Milford Electoral Area in the forthcoming local elections. The convention was addressed by […]
Semi-final lead-up crucial – Gallagher
Gallagher played in All-Ireland Club semi-finals with St Brigid’s and St Gall’s
McCole keen to grasp his opportunity
Brendan McCole has been given the opportunity to stake a claim at one of the loneliest outposts in Donegal football – full-back.
Multi-talented Aisling happy to juggle footballs with basketball
Busy doesn’t come remotely close to describing Aisling Nee’s life these days.
Donegal Youths needing victory
The Donegal Youth League must defeat their Mayo counterparts in Ballyare on Saturday.