Business Person of the Year

Anne Marie Bonnar There are three businesses employing up to 20 people operating under Anne Marie’s leadership with Donegal Gas starting in 1990 closely followed by Joe Bonnar Metal Craft and the latest addition to the fold, Letterkenny Craft & Design Studio. Joe Bonnar Metal Craft, lead by Anne Marie’s husband Paul Hynd, designs and […]

Growth Through Export Award

SendMode Letterkenny-based SendMode launched in March 2009 and has grown to become a leading provider of bulk text messaging solutions. With over 6,000 customers across ten countries, SendMode now employs nine staff from its HQ in the CoLab office at Letterkenny Institute of Technology. SendMode has achieved significant growth, in particular in the UK market […]

Excellence in Marketing Award

Arena7 Arena7 Entertainment Complex is the total entertainment package under one roof offering a variety of entertainment choices for both young and old combined with mouth watering food in a family friendly environment. Customers can choose to use one or a combination of the fantastic facilities in Arena7 to make for a great day out. […]