€7.5 million announced for Burtonport and Killybegs

MORE than €7.5 million has been announced this morning for two new harbour projects in Burtonport and Killybegs. Confirming the substantial windfall, Donegal Minister Joe McHugh described it as “massive investment boost” for the areas. “This is a huge investment in two major plans – Killybegs and Burtonport and the coastal and Gaeltacht regions of […]

Sinn Féin to hold public meeting on insurance reform

On Thursday 7th November, at 8pm in the Finn Valley Centre, Stranorlar, Sinn Féin’s Pearse Doherty will be hosting a public meeting on the party’s insurance reform plan to take on the industry and end the rip-off.

Emergency services at crash near Donegal Town

THE emergency services are in attendance at a crash this morning near Donegal Town. The N15 is closed in both directions just outside Donegal Town near the Drumlonagher roundabout. Meanwhile in Letterkenny, it’s slow approaching the Polestar roundabout from the Dry Arch side. The N56 is also slow heading into the town from the Mountain […]

Seven Donegal projects secure funding of €750,000

MORE THAN €750,000 in funding has been secured for seven projects in Donegal through the Town and Village Renewal Scheme. Speaking about the announcement this afternoon Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh TD has heralded the success of the scheme following the latest allocation. “What a brilliant boost for our county. The Town and […]

Wheelchair friendly swing for Gaoth Dobhair play park

A WHEELCHAIR friendly swing has been installed in a play park in Gaoth Dobhair which will enable children with disabilities to enjoy the amenity. Funding was drawn down by Údarás na Gaeltachta for the equipment following a proposal from Pearse Doherty TD (SF) to make the facility more inclusive and disability friendly. “I am absolutely […]

Chucky, killer clowns and Trump are top costume picks

SHOPPERS in Letterkenny have been out in their droves to pick up their Hallowe’en costumes with terrorising doll Chucky, killer clowns and Donald Trump among the most popular picks this year. Speaking to the Donegal News, Toni Zasa who works in the Trick or Treat Hallowe’en Store in The Courtyard Shopping Centre, said this year […]

Man arrested in Donegal over Emyvale Garda Station fire

GARDAI in Monaghan investigating a fire at Emyvale Garda Station in the early hours of Monday have arrested a man in Donegal. Two searches took place in Monaghan and a further search in Letterkenny yesterday. Searches involved detective and uniform gardai from Monaghan assisted by colleagues from Donegal. A male in his 30s was arrested […]