Massive increase in calls to tackle rodents

A LOCAL pest control company has seen an increase of up to seventy per cent in call outs to homes and businesses dealing with rat and mice infestations. The extremely wet weather experienced in February is driving the rodents indoors and stricter regulations on the use of rat poison is also to blame, according to […]

St Eunan’s Cathedral moves against coronavirus

CHURCH volunteers in Letterkenny “scrubbed up” on Sunday before giving out Communion in a bid to stifle the spread of the coronavirus. The highly unusual move by St Eunan’s Cathedral was taken following the first confirmed case of the virus in the state. Information sheets were issued to parishioners outlining the precautions being taken by […]

Danielle ‘leaps’ at chance to propose to boyfriend Rory

INISHOWEN woman Danielle McDaid ‘leaped’ on an opportunity that only arises every four years when she proposed. Carndonagh’s Danielle popped the question to boyfriend Rory Brady during a night away in Creeslough on Saturday. And to her delight, fellow Carn native Rory said yes. According to old Irish tradition, the Leap Year is the perfect […]

What to do if you are a stand up who can’t stand up?

AFTER a near career-ending knee injury, stand up comedian Danny O’ Brien is too young for pilates and too unbalanced for yoga. So what does a touring a stand-up comedian do when he is no longer able to stand up? The award-winning performer brings his hilarious new hour of stand-up, where self-destruction and self-discovery meet, […]