GALLERY: The Week in Pictures

See some of this weeks featured pictures from around the County including the Fodder crisis, Dungloe Marching band Competition, All County Football league action, Finn Harps against local rivals Derry City and the Pan Celtic Festival. Se Friday and Monday’s Donegal News each week for the latest News and Sport coverage.   

€109,000 boost for Donegal’s heritage projects

A total of €109,000 in funding has been allocated to Donegal in support of local heritage projects. The funding was announced by the Minister for Culture, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan, under the 2018 Structures at Risk Fund and the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2018.  Government Chief Whip and Minister for the Irish language, […]

TG4’s Mám Trasna documentary to air tonight

  A drama based on a book by Donegal journalist Seán Ó Cuirreáin, examining the infamous Mám Trasna murders in 1882, will be aired tonight on TG4.   The programme goes out days after President Michael D Higgins announced that he has been advised to pardon one of the men wrongly executed for the brutal […]

Man died after television caught fire in Raphoe

THE man who died in Raphoe in a house fire has been named locally as Wilson McGirr, a well known farmer in the area. It is believed Mr McGirr’s television caught fire on Monday night and fearing the fire would spread he managed to get the TV set outside. After getting the attention of neighbours […]

Man passes away following Raphoe house fire

A MAN who was involved in a house fire in Raphoe on Monday night passed away in Letterkenny University Hospital this morning. Gardai believe the fire broke out between 11.30pm and 12.20am and the fire service and an ambulance also attended the scene. The man who lost his life was aged in his late sixties […]