DONEGAL 1-12 DUBLIN 1-11 REPORT BY CHRIS MCNULTY AT CROKE PARK THIS was a performance and a win borne out of sheer character and a refusal to accept defeat – the very ingredients Declan Bonner has instilled in this young side. The reward for beating Dublin is an appearance in what will be Donegal’s first […]
Donegal V Dublin in bottle-top battle
BIG match madness has gripped Donegal in many ways in the run-up to Sunday’s semi-final including the knitting of ‘Innocent’ bottle-top hats in the colours of the two teams.
Priest seeks Donegal links to US mill tragedy
AN American based priest arrived in Letterkenny this week with the hope of tracking down the descendants of former residents of his hometown – Belleville, New Jersey who were killed in a gunpowder explosion
Grace in race for life-changing therapy
A LETTERKENNY man is literally in a race against time to raise enough money to fund life-changing therapy to help his ten-year-old daughter walk unaided for the first time.
Oscar De La Hoya Exclusive: ‘Jason Quigley will be a world champion’
OSCAR De La Hoya has backed Jason Quigley to become a world champion.
Contact council on NPPR to freeze penalties
DONEGAL County Council advises that making contact with their offices or the NPPR Bureau by e-mail or telephone before the deadline can freeze any additional penalties that might otherwise come into effect on 1st September.
Snorkeller rescued in Mulroy Bay
MULROY Coastguard continued their busy season on Thursday when they rescued a man who got into difficulties while snorkelling in Mulroy Bay.
Arty alternative to ice cold bucket challenge
NOT known to follow the herd, a popular young Milford woman decided last week to do her very own ‘Ice Bucket Challenge.’
West/North West Hospitals Group offers robotic prostatectomy to public patients through private Galway Clinic facility
Up to 50 public patients from across the West of Ireland will undergo revolutionary new robotic-assisted prostatectomy surgery in the Galway Clinic this year as part of an agreement with the West / North West Hospitals Group with support from the HSE National Cancer Control Programme.