A TOTAL of €73 million is to be invested in the county’s water infrastructure by Irish Water, Ireland’s national water utility.
Letterkenny is Ireland’s Tidiest Town
THE Trojan efforts of Letterkenny’s Tidy Towns Committee have received the ultimate recognition today as the town has been named Ireland Tidiest Town.
Tidy Towns results to be announced this afternoon
MEMBERS of Letterkenny’s Tidy Towns Committee are in Dublin today for the annoucenment of the annual Tidy Towns awards results for 2015.
Naomh Conaill to meet St Eunan’s in Donegal SFC decider
NAOMH Conaill and St Eunan’s will face off in the 2015 Donegal SFC final after they both recorded easy wins in the semi-finals this weekend.
Explosion at church in Termon
BY C.J.MCGINLEY CHURCH goers had to rush out of a chapel in Termon this morning after an explosion. A light overhead went on fire and fell to the ground during 10 o’clock mass this morning at St Columba’s Churh. Advertisement Parish priest Fr Patrick McHugh, who was saying the building soon became engugled in smoke […]
Castlefinn fiddler releases eagerly awaited album
RENOWNED Castlefinn fiddle player Bríd Harper will tomorrow night (Friday) launch her long-awaited debut album at a special concert in Ballybofey.
Noel is not running and Senator Harte resigns
Noel Cunningham will not be putting himself forward for selection as a general election candidate.
Man arrested in murder probe
A man in his 40’s was arrested in the South Donegal area this mornin at approximately 9.15am in connection with a PSNI murder investigation in October 2014 in West Belfast.
Winning Streak for Miss Donegal
THE current Miss Donegal, Natasha McFadden, was celebrating at the weekend following her appearance on the Winning Streak TV gameshow.
Audition call : Experienced and inexperienced actors
AUDITIONS will start next week for a major new theatre production in Letterkenny.