DONATIONS have been coming in from all over the world, following an appeal for funds to light up Tory Island for the first Christmas in 30 years.
McDaid’s appointment to Cabinet taken from under nose
First elected in 1989, Dr McDaid was put on a fast track to the top of Fianna Fáil.
And your captain today is Helena from Mountcharles…
Some of the more famous guests Helena has had on board over years include the late Michael Jackson, Woody Harrelson and President Michael D Higgins
Masters success for McNulty and Donegal veterans
Saturday afternoon ending a 13 year draught of Silverware at this level.
Four ladies set to become ‘Hairoines’ tonight
The four ladies are shaving their heads to raise funds for three charities; Donegal Hospice, Pieta House and The Alzheimer Society of Ireland.
Glenswilly customers furious over ‘Three’ coverage
RESIDENTS in Glenswilly are furious at the ongoing coverage issues on the Three network since it was taken over from O2 last year.
Man with knife approached Dungloe school pupil – claim
GARDAI are investigating an incident in Dungloe on Thursday where it is alleged that a man wielding a knife jumped out in front of a school pupil.
Popular An Post worker retires after 41 years service
Liam McConnellogue’s warm friendly demeanour has made him a favourite with customers down through the years.
‘Maiden Aunt’ to tickle Castlefin this weekend
CASTLEFINN Drama Group will present their production of the hilarious Jimmy Keary play ‘The Maiden Aunt’ in St Mary’s Hall this weekend.
The Minister for A Day looks back on ‘difficult times’
We recall one of the most infamous days experienced by a Donegal politician in Friday’s edition of the Donegal News.