Death Notices
Added: December 17
LONG, Mary Jane
LONG – The peaceful death has taken place at her residence of Mary Jane...
Added: December 17
McCAULEY, Teresa
McCAULEY, Teresa – Removal from the Eternal Light Chapel of Rest, Mountain Top, Letterkenny...
Added: December 17
McDERMOTT, Brendan
McDERMOTT, Brendan – Reposing at his home this Monday evening from 8.30 pm. Removal...
Added: December 17
SHARKEY, Eddie – Reposing at his sister Aggie’s house, Fairhill. Funeral Mass tomorrow, Tuesday,...
Added: December 17
SWEENEY – The death has occurred of Teresa Sweeney, Tir Chonaill Street, Donegal Town...
Added: December 16
DOUGAN, Nelly – suddenly. Reposing at her late home. Funeral Mass tomorrow, Monday at...
Added: December 16
McDAID, Dr. Kevin
McDAID – The death has occurred of Dr. Kevin McDaid (Ashfield, Old Golf Links...
Added: December 16
SIMS, Birdie
SIMS, Birdie, (née Doherty) – passed away (peacefully) at home. Pre-deceased by her husband...
Added: December 16
TAYLOR, Jack – Suddenly. Reposing at McGlynn’s Funeral Home, Dungloe, today, Sunday, from 12...
Added: December 15
BOYLE, Isobel
BOYLE – The death has taken place at Letterkenny University Hospital of Isobel Maria...