Death Notices
Added: December 18
McCAFFREY, Hugh – Reposing at his late residence from 7 pm this Tuesday evening....
Added: December 18
ORR, Mervyn
ORR – The tragic death has taken place of Mervyn Orr, 3 Mill Park,...
Added: December 18
HAMILTON, Robbie – Reposing at the Long family residence. Funeral Service tomorrow, Wednesday afternoon,...
Added: December 18
McLAUGHLIN, Sadie – Reposing at her late residence from 4 pm today, Tuesday. Requiem...
Added: December 18
COYLE, Susan
COYLE – The death has taken place on Tuesday 18th December 2018 of Susan...
Added: December 18
CURRAN, Irvine
CURRAN, Irvine – The death has occurred in Letterkenny University Hospital of Irvine Curran...
Added: December 18
DOHERTY, Jamesie
DOHERTY – The death has taken place at the Donegal Hospice of Jamesie Doherty...
Added: December 18
FRIEL, James
FRIEL, James – Gortnatra, Kerrykeel, Donegal and Penilee, Glasgow. Peacefully surrounded by his family...
Added: December 17
CHAMBERS – The sudden death has occurred at his home of John Chambers. Beloved...
Added: December 17
GREEN, Eileen
GREEN, Eileen – Reposing at her home. Removal tomorrow, Tuesday at 10.30 am for...