Death Notices
Added: February 2
REDDY, Danny
REDDY, Danny – Beloved husband, father, grandfather. Deeply regretted by his wide family circle...
Added: February 1
GALLAGHER, Francis, (Sissy)
GALLAGHER, Francis, (Sissy), (née Kelly) – Cordiver, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal. Peacefully, at the Sheil...
Added: February 1
McDOWELL, Rodney
McDOWELL, Rodney – (late of Greenore, Co. Louth, formerly of Portnoo, Co. Donegal, Sutton,...
Added: February 1
McDAID, James (Kitty)
McDAID – The sudden death has occurred of James McDaid (Kitty), Ballygawley, Newmills, Glenswilly....
Added: February 1
McDIVITT, Evelin
McDIVITT, Evelin – at Letterkenny University Hospital. Reposing at the family home today, Friday1st...
Added: February 1
McLAUGHLIN, Joe (Alec)
McLAUGHLIN, Joe (Alec) – Removal from his home tomorrow, Saturday at 10.15 am for...
Added: February 1
O’DONNELL, George – Reposing at his late residence. Removal tomorrow, Saturday morning, February 2nd...
Added: February 1
O’DONNELL, Patrick
O’DONNELL, Patrick – formerly Drimlaughdrid, Lettermacaward. Reposing at his late home in Donegal Town...
Added: February 1
MALONEY, Charlie
MALONEY – The death has occurred of Charlie Maloney, Ryan’s Court, Duleek and formerly...
Added: February 1
McBRIDE, Christopher
McBRIDE – The sudden death has occurred at Letterkenny University Hospital of Christopher McBride,...