Death Notices
Added: March 22
MEEHAN, Dennis
MEEHAN, Dennis – peacefully at his home. Removal from his home, Wednesday, 24th March...
Added: March 22
MOYNE – The death has occurred at his residence of Colm Moyne, Drumhaggart, Muff....
Added: March 22
FOSTER, Andrew (Andy)
FOSTER – The death has taken place at Letterkenny University Hospital of Andrew Foster...
Added: March 21
McKAY, Edward
McKAY – The death has taken place, at Letterkenny University Hospital of Doctor Edward...
Added: March 20
GILBRIDE, P.J – Gaelic Park, Bundoran, Co. Donegal and Ozanam House Residential Unit, Main...
Added: March 20
McGIRR, Vivienne
McGIRR – The peaceful death has taken place, at Letterkenny University Hospital, of Mrs...
Added: March 20
McGONIGLE, Hugh John Snr.
McGONIGLE – The death has occurred of Hugh John McGonigle Snr., peacefully at his...
Added: March 20
BOYCE, John – Drumnaskea, Ballymaleel, Ramelton, Co. Donegal, March 19th, 2021 peacefully at Brentwood...
Added: March 19
DORAN, Kevin
DORAN – The death has taken place at the Mater Hospital Dublin on Wednesday,...
Added: March 19
FRIEL, Annie
FRIEL – The death has taken place at Letterkenny University Hospital of Annie Friel,...