Death Notices
Added: April 22
O’HAGAN, Danny
O’HAGAN, Danny – Fortstewart, Ramelton, Co. Donegal, April 21st, 2022, peacefully at his home...
Added: April 22
McCLINTOCK – The death has taken place in the Donegal Hospice of Rebecca McClintock,...
Added: April 22
O’KEEFFE, Margaret
O’KEEFFE – The death has occurred of Margaret O’Keeffe (née Hawe), The Spa, Clonmel,...
Added: April 21
O’REILLY, Al – 28 The Stables, Duncarbury, Tullaghan, Co. Leitrim and formerly of The...
Added: April 21
McFADDEN, Madge (née Sweeney) – Carrigoran House, Co. Clare and Gortahork, Co. Donegal, passed...
Added: April 21
JOHNSTON, William James (Jim)
JOHNSTON – The death has occurred of William James (Jim) Johnston, 3 Raymoghey Heights,...
Added: April 20
McDAID, Tessie
McDAID – The sudden death has taken place in Letterkenny University Hospital of Tessie...
Added: April 20
CANNON – The death has taken place of Eddie (Rua) Cannon, Ardsbeg, Gortahork, Co....
Added: April 20
TREANOR, Jonathan
TREANOR, Jonathan – tragically, as a result of a road traffic accident on Monday,...
Added: April 19
VARGA, Stefan
VARGA – It is with deep regret and sadness that we announce the death...