McMonagle elected chair of HSE regional health forum

COUNCILLOR Gerry McMonagle has been elected, uncontested, as the new chairperson of the HSE Western Regional Health Forum. After two years of online/virtual group meetings, the Regional Health Forum held its first in-person meeting in Galway on Tuesday, where a new board of officers was elected for the upcoming term. The Sinn Féin councillor takes […]

Walk for Unity to take place this weekend

THE people of Donegal and Tyrone are being urged to take part in the latest ‘Walk for Irish Unity’ due to take place this weekend. Starting at 11am on Saturday at the Diamond in Lifford and finishing at the Tinnies in Strabane, the event is the second such walk to take place in recent years. What is believed to have […]

Adjourned council meeting to go ahead this morning

A meeting of Donegal C0unty Council which has been repeatedly adjourned looks set to go ahead this morning. The monthly meeting, which was originally scheduled for January 31, has been postponed on a number of occasions due to disruption largely caused by Councillor Frank McBrearty. Councillor McBrearty is not in attendance this morning and elected […]