‘It still doesn’t feel normal in Italy’

ON Monday, Italy entered Phase 3 of its Covid-19 lockdown easing, with almost all activities reopening including playgrounds, theatres and cinemas. Almost 90 per cent of bars and restaurants are already open, but 60 per cent of hotels remain closed. Letterkenny woman Siobhán Hegarty works as a wedding photographer throughout Umbria and the beautiful central […]

Covid-19: The biggest threat now is complacency

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been informed that a total of 2 people with Covid-19 have died.  There have now been a total of 1,714* Covid-19 related deaths in Ireland. As of midnight Thursday 18 June the HPSC has been notified of 13 confirmed cases of Covid-19. There is now a total of […]

Two bodies recovered from Lough Keel

TWO bodies have been recovered from Lough Keel, near Kilmacrennan, following a search operation. Earlier this afternoon Malin Head Coast Guard were alerted after two people went missing, a father and his teenage son. Another teenage boy was rescued from the Lough and was taken to Letterkenny University Hospital. A Spokesperson for the Gardai said: […]

Drive-in graduation as Convoy school says farewell

THE children in 6th class from Scoil Bhríde, Convoy will get the opportunity to see each other one more time tomorrow evening, Friday, before they set off on their secondary school journeys in September. The school is organising a drive-in graduation for the twenty-nine boys and girls who are set to continue their education at […]

Three deaths and 8 cases while recovery rate is at 92%

  The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been informed that a total of 3 people with Covid-19 have died. There have now been a total of 1,710* Covid-19 related deaths in Ireland. Advertisement As of midnight Tuesday 16 June the HPSC has been notified of 8 confirmed cases of Covid-19. There is now a […]

Court appearance – Fatal Hit and Run, Letterkenny

A man, aged in his twenties, charged in relation to a fatal hit and run in Letterkenny in the early hours of Monday morning is due to appear before Letterkenny District Court tomorrow morning. Gardai have confirmed that the man, arrested in relation to this investigation, is due in court at 10.30am. The man killed […]