Tara, Mateo, Zoe, Lee, Sadhb, Elodie and Kian help to launch the event.
BUNDORAN will once again host the Four Provinces All Ireland Marching Bands final on Sunday August 11th which will be preceded on Saturday, August 10, by the first Bundoran Carnivale Du Mer – a fun filled family day with workshops and carnival performances into the evening.
Kids and parents working together creatively will be the order of the day at Bundoran’s first Carnivale Du Mer which will happen indoors at Bundoran Retail Park on Saturday August 10th. Registration and young kids storytime begins at midday with the first workshops starting at 1pm which will include flag and kite making – both activities suitable for parents and kids. The day will continue with an art montage at 3pm and a percussion and drumming workshop at 5pm, the participants in which will lead off the evening performances which will happen at the performance space outside of Bundoran Community Library from 6.30pm.
The evening’s carnival entertainment will feature Nemo the Magician, the Farmer Boyos, The Crooning Clowns, The Candies and will wrap up with a Dance Off finale at 9pm. The colourful backdrops for these performances will be provided from the day’s workshops where adults and kids will see their hard work brought to life in a fun carnival setting.
Sunday, August 11, will see a musical theme as the Four Provinces All Ireland Marching Bands Final hosted by the Ulster Marching Bands Association brings up to 20 marching bands from all over Ireland to the seaside town for the second time in as many years. The day will kick off with a parade of the bands from the West End playground Car Park at 1pm with the procession making its way down Main Street and turning over Station Road to the performance space which will be in the main car park opposite the cinema. The performances and judging will take place from 2pm with another parade then at 5pm going from Station Road Car Park back to Main Street (via Station Road) and proceeding to the Great Northern Hotel for the prize giving.
Tourism Officer for Bundoran Shane Smyth saiD: “We’re delighted to once again have another bumper weekend of activities for all the family to enjoy from our Carnival du Mer to the Four Provinces All Ireland Marching Bands Final here in Bundoran this August. Many in the locality will know the theatrical and creative work of Maura Logue and we are delighted that she has come on board to run our very first Carnivale Du Mer. The fun doesn’t finish on the Saturday night, as the following afternoon we welcome the cream of Ireland’s marching bands to compete for their All-Ireland title. Everything apart from the workshops is free to attend for the weekend so why not come to Bundoran for a weekend of fun for the whole family.”
For more details please check www.discoverbundoran.com/carnivale and www.discoverbundoran.com/marchingbands