
Canvassing reveals 3,000 derelict or defective homes

by Louise Doyle

A CANDIDATE running for the 100% Redress Party in the forthcoming local elections has spoken of his shock at the scale of dereliction he has encountered in Letterkenny while canvassing.

Tomás Sean Devine, pictured right, is contesting a seat in the local government elections in June in the Letterkenny Electoral Area.


The self-employed father-of-five told the Donegal News that he has so far canvassed 7,000 houses, of which 3,000 were either derelict or affected by defective concrete blocks.

“Out on the canvass trail my team and I have come across a shocking amount of defective and derelict homes. I’d estimate we have knocked on 7,000 doors so far, and we have seen around 3,000 homes affected by dereliction or defective concrete blocks.

“There are also so many vacant properties. With work done to them, they could be used for families. It makes no sense to have so many empty houses when there is a huge housing crisis.

“Another major issue expressed to me is that council tenants, whose homes are affected by defective concrete blocks, have said they have nowhere to go. Some of the homes I have been in are an absolute health hazard, with spores everywhere and just not fit for human habitation. It truly is shocking,” said the Letterkenny man.

Mr Devine said he believes there is appetite on the doors for political change.

“There has been an unbelievable response on the doors, people really want to see change in local politics. I feel that change is coming because people have been neglected for far too long.

“I have a very good campaign team, some of whom are not affected by defective concrete blocks but have chosen to support the 100% Redress Party.”


Mr Devine added that although the party’s major focus is securing a genuine 100% redress scheme for all those affected by defective concrete products, he said the party will also be campaigning on issues of health and tourism.

“Our homes are already unsafe and unhealthy. The situation is critical. Just imagine how bad things will be in a few years’ time. We therefore need to get as many 100% Redress Party candidates in the council chamber as possible to bring about the changes that are so desperately needed,” said Mr Devine.

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