Just this week alone, the CLG Cloich Cheann Fhaola presented their underage players with their underage awards for their achievements. These awards were presented by Ryan McHugh, who had more than a few words of wisdom to impart on our young fleet. A great night was enjoyed by players and children alike. Well done CLG Cloich Cheann Fhaola. Is maith sibh.
This Friday December 1st at 7:30pm, Cinderella and her ugly sisters accompanied by the Cloughaneely and Meenderry Bands will ride into town with Santa and light up the town. Long before midnight, so there is no chance of Cinderella losing her glass slipper. All children must be home by 9:30pm as Ryan Tubridy opens the Annual Late Late Toy Show, so get them goody boxes from Coffee go Leor before it’s too late. You’ve been warned!
Remember to wear your favourite jersey or Christmas jumper, it’s all for fun. Before the lights are turned on, Fr. Denis will hold a short prayer service in remembrance of all those overseas and all those who are no longer with us. in recent weeks, some kin volunteers and businesses have been busy selling baubles in an idea to remember all of our family and friends both overseas and deceased. These names can be seen in local shops and business windows and what a wonderful idea it’s all been and greatly accepted by the community. Don’t worry if you didn’t get one, they’re still available in local shops.

Saturday December 2nd gets off to an early start with the 100th Parkrun, what a joyful event for the dedicated volunteers who are active in our community. This international event takes place here locally in Ballyconnell Woods every Saturday morning with out fail – hail, rain, sleet or snow they are there…are you?
As the Parkrun team gets the tea done, Santa is lying in wait so you better watch out, you better not cry, as he won’t be far behind. Santa will arrive on his sleigh this year designed and engineered by Tommy McGinley.
Just incase you hadn’t heard, the local elves have been more than bust preparing for the annual visit to An tSean Bheairic and there’s lots in store; storytelling, games, Santa and just in case you’re hungry there is plenty to eat in Cafe na Sean Bheairice. Santa is expected around 12 noon.