BUNDORAN will once again host the Four Provinces All Ireland Marching Bands final on Sunday August 11th which will be preceded on Saturday, August 10, by the first Bundoran Carnivale Du Mer – a fun filled family day with workshops and carnival performances into the evening.
The magic is back on Clannad’s upcoming new album
ORDERS for Clannad’s long-awaited new album are already flooding since the band announced that it was available for pre orders on Amazon last week.
Young trad musicians host counterparts from the Scottish Highlands
THE young members of a Donegal traditional music school will host musicians from the Scottish Highlands as part of a new exchange programme this week.
Community rallies together to clean up Conwal cemetery
LAST Friday’s floods caused a lot of damage in the greater Letterkenny area, including at Conwal where a stream bank broke above the cemetery.
Letterkenny General Hospital in crisis
AS a major clean up continues this morning (Monday) following a state of emergency due to flooding at Letterkenny General Hospital serious questions need to be asked about how it happened.
Letterkenny General’s Emergency Department remains closed – HSE
THE new €20million Emergency Department remains closed and patients are being diverted to Sligo Regional Hospital and Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry.
Letterkenny man bidding for a date with superstar Megan Fox
WHAT would you do for the chance to go on a date with Hollywood beauty Megan Fox?
Nominate a Donegal group to received a €1,500 library from BORD Gáis Energy
BORD Gáis Energy Book Club wants to share the love of books and reading with Donegal by making a donation of a library worth €1,500 to a nominated group in the county.
Annual Gola Festival kicks off this weekend
NATIVES and visitors are invited onto the beautiful island of Gola off Bunbeg, Gaoth Dobhair, this weekend for the island’s annual festival.
Festival director applauds success of 2013 Earagail Arts
THE organisers of the 25th Earagail Arts festival have hailed it as a major success. Following the closure of this year’s festival on a real high, the festival’s director has said it was the volunteers that made it such a successful event in this special ‘Gathering’ year.