MONAGHAN, Monica – (formerly Billary, Pettigo) peacefully in Brentwood Manor Nursing Home, Convoy, Co. Donegal, 25th Ferbuary 2018. Loving daughter of the late Johnny and Bridget Monaghan, Brookhill Letter, Co. Fermanagh, cherished aunt of the Deery and Gorman families. Monica will be reposing in McKervey’s Funeral Home, Ederney Co. Fermanagh from 4 pm today, Monday, […]

McGLYNN, Eamon

McGLYNN – The death has taken place of Eamon McGlynn, Garryharry, Letterkenny. Remains reposing at his late residence Garryharry Letterkenny. Requiem Mass in St. Eunan’s Cathedral, Letterkenny at 10 am on Tuesday, followed by burial in Conwal Cemetery.

O’DONNELL , Nellie

O’DONNELL , Nellie – Barnhill, Loughnagin, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, February 25th, 2018. Deeply regretted by her sons Pat, Joe, Seamus, Hugo, Noel and Philip, daughters Hannah, Eileen and Kathleen, daughters-in-law, partner, grandchildren, great grandchildren, sisters Kathleen and Margaret, relatives and friends. (Pre-deceased by her husband Hughie). Remains reposing at her late residence from 5 pm […]


O’DONNELL, Mickey – at Letterkenny Univesity Hospital. Formerly of Ards Beg, Gortahork. Reposing at his late residence. Removal at 10.30 am tomorrow, Monday 26th February, to St. Colmcille’s Church, Cnoc Fola, for Requiem Mass at 11 am, followed by burial in the adjoining cemetery. Rosary tonight at 9 pm.


FLOYD – The death has occurred of Emma Floyd (née Crawford), 12 Marian Villas, Donegal Town peacefully in Letterkenny University Hospital. Remains reposing at her late residence at 12 Marian Villas, Donegal Town from 5 pm until after the Rosary at 10 pm. Remain’s leaving her late residence at 10:30 am on Monday to St. […]


MOLLOY – The death has occurred at Letterkenny University Hospital of Nessa Molloy, Wood Road, Ardara. Her remains will repose at her late residence today, Saturday February 24th from 3 pm. Funeral from there tomorrow, Sunday morning at 10.30 am going to the Church of the Holy Family, Ardara for Requiem Mass at 11 am. […]

BRENNAN, Neil Andrew

BRENNAN, Neil Andrew – Formerly of California. Reposing in McGlynn’s Funeral Home this Friday evening from 5 pm with removal at 6 pm to St. Crona’s Church, Dungloe. Funeral Mass tomorrow, Saturday at 10 am followed by cremation in Lakeland Crematorium, Cavan. House strictly private. Family flowers only.


JORDAN, John – In Glasgow. Removal this Friday evening to his mother Bridie Jordan’s House, Meenacuing, Gweedore. Funeral Mass in the Sacred Heart Church, Dunlewey tomorrow, Saturday at 11am with burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. House strictly private. Family members welcome.

BOYLE, Eddie

BOYLE, Eddie (Eddie Phil) – Reposing in McGlynn’s Funeral Home today from 3 pm & Rosary at 9 pm. Viewing tomorrow from 3 pm with removal at 5.30 pm to St. Columba’s Church, Acres for 6 pm. Funeral Mass on Saturday at 11 am with burial afterwards in Belcruit Cemetery. House strictly private. Family flowers […]

BRENNAN, Margaret

BRENNAN, Margaret – Formerly of Callan, Drumkeen. Peacefully at The Rock Nursing Home, Ballyshannon. Removal from her late residence this evening to arrive at St. Aidan’s Church, Kinlough for 8 pm. Mass of the Resurrection tomorrow, Friday at 11 am followed by burial in St. Ninnidh’s Cemetery, Bundoran. House strictly private please.