COYLE, Eugene

COYLE, Eugene – Peacefully surrounded by his loving family. Sadly missed by his daughter Allison, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and a large circle of family and friends. Rest In Peace Advertisement Reposing at his residence 304 Colehill, Newtowncunningham. Funeral from there on Monday, 9th July, leaving at 10.30 am for 11 am Mass in the […]

GIBSON, Con Neilus

GIBSON, Con Neilus – Removal from his home today, Sunday at 2.30 pm to St. Baithin’s Church, St. Johnston, for Requiem Mass at 3 pm, followed by removal to Lakelands Crematorium, Co. Cavan. Family time from 11 pm until 11 am and on Sunday afternoon. Donations in lieu of flowers to Donegal Hospice.


GREENE – The death has taken place in Letterkenny University Hospital of Biddy Greene of Ardsbeg, Gortahork. Survived by her four sons, Charlie, Patrick, Bernard and Danny her two daughters Mary and Curley, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, her twenty-nine grandchildren, her fifty-six great grandchildren and two great, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews and a wide circle of […]


CARBERRY, Maura – Reposing at the Eternal Light Chapel of Rest, Mountain Top from 5 pm until 6.45 pm this Friday evening followed by removal to St. Eunan’s Cathedral. Requiem Mass on Sunday at 10 am with burial afterwards in Conwal Cemetery.

DOHERTY, Patrick (Patsy)

DOHERTY, Patrick (Patsy) – Removal to the Sacred Heart Church, Muff this Friday evening at 8 pm. Requiem Mass tomorrow, Saturday at 11 am with burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

DOWDALL, Mairead

DOWDALL – The death has occurred of Mairead Dowdall, (née McElroy), Rahan, Letterkenny. Deeply regretted by her loving husband Allan, devoted mother of Philip (Letterkenny), Luke (Liverpool), Leo (Dublin) and Jack (Letterkenny), daughter-in-law Emily (Dublin). Rest In Peace Advertisement Mairead’s remains will repose at her late residence from 11 am on Saturday 7th July and […]


FITZPATRICK, Liam – Removal today at 2 pm from the Eternal Chapel of Rest, Mountain Top, Letterkenny to his late residence. Removal on Sunday morning at 10.30 am for 11 am Requiem Mass in St. Mary’s Church, Cockhill followed by burial in the adjoining cemetery.

McAREE, Margaret

McAREE, Margaret – Reposing at her late residence. Funeral Mass tomorrow, Saturday, July 7th to St. Columba’s Church, Kilmacrennan, for 11 am Requiem Mass with burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. Family flowers only please, donations in lieu to Donegal Hospice. House private after 10 pm.


McINTYRE – The tragic death has taken place of Eddie McIntyre, Craigtown, Fahan. Beloved husband of Pat, dear father of Kyle, Robert, Eva, and Bronagh, beloved son of Robert and the late Kathleen and dear brother of Michael, Roy, Gary, Maria and Julia. Sadly missed by his family, relatives, neighbours and friends. His remains will […]

WATTERS, Margaret Josephine (Maggie Josie)

WATTERS – The death has taken place at Letterkenny University Hospital of Margaret Josephine Watters, known as (Maggie Josie) Monargan and formerly Mentinadea, Ardara. Deeply regretted by her loving family; sons John, Noel, Leo, Eamon, Bernard, Peter and James (deceased), daughters Mary, Margaret, Ann and Gerldine. Sadly missed by her brother, sisters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, […]