O’DONNELL, Finbarr – Tobermurry, Pallaskenry, Co. Limerick, and formerly of Portnoo, Donegal, 26th October 2018. After a short illness. Beloved husband of Anne (née Hillary). Sadly missed by his son Eunan, daughters Aileen and Hilary, grandchildren Paul, Siubhán, Delilah, Ailbhe, Joe, Belle and Woody, daughter-in-law Mary, sons-in-law Simon and David, brother Peader and sister Mary […]
DONNELLY – The death has taken place in the Donegal Hospice of Joan Donnelly, 47 Hawthorn Heights, Letterkenny. Her remains will be reposing at her late residence from 5 pm today, Saturday 27th October. The house will be private to close family and friends at the request of the deceased. Funeral Mass Monday 11 am […]
IGOE, Eileen
IGOE – The death has occurred of Eileen Igoe (née McBride) Knock Cross, Balbirggan, Co. Dublin and formerly Gola Island, Co Donegal. (Peacfully) in Galway Hospice. Wife of the late Pat Igoe. Sadly missed by her loving daughter Yvonne, son-in-law Lochlainn, grandsons Conán and Somhairle, sisters, brother, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Reposing […]
McCROSSAN, Lily – Reposing at St. Columba’s Church, Doneyloop from 4 pm this Friday evening. Funeral Mass tomorrow, Saturday at 11 am with burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.
McGONIGLE, Mary – Reposing at her late residence. Removal tomorrow, Saturday morning at 10.30 am to St. Mary’s Church, Clonmany for Requiem Mass at 11 am with burial afterwards in the new graveyard. Family flowers only please, donations in lieuif desired, to the Carndonagh Community Hospital. Family and friends time please from 11 pm to […]
McGRENRA, Essie – Reposing at her late residence. Funeral Mass in St. Colmcille’s Church, Glendowan, at 12 noon tomorrow, Saturday 27th October, with burial afterwards in Templedouglas Cemetery. Family time from 11 pm to 11 am. Family flowers only please, donations if desired, to Donegal Hospice.
MEEHAN, Bridie
MEEHAN – The death has occurred of Bridie Meehan, Leiter, Killybegs, Co. Donegal. Remains reposing at her residence from 8.30 pm to 11 pm tonight, Friday, and from 11 am to 11 pm on Saturday. Removal on Sunday at 1.30 pm to St. Mary’s Church, Killybegs for 2 pm Funeral Mass. Burial afterwards in the […]
MURPHY, Anne, (née Gillespie) – 45 The Glebe, Donegal Town and formerly of Carrick, Co. Donegal. Predeceased by her late husband Matthew. Mother of Maureen Neal, Meenacally, Donegal Town. Funeral arrangements to be announced later. All enquiries to John McGowan Funeral Directors on 087-2706699.
HARKIN, Sean – at St Anthony’s, Muff. Funeral took place at 11 am on Thursday 25th October in the Church of the Sacred Heart, Muff with burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.
McGRENRA , Essie
McGRENRA – The death has taken place at the Donegal Hospice of Essie McGrenra (née Harkin), Carrick, Trentagh. Remains reposing at her late residence. Funeral Mass in St. Colmcille’s Church, Glendowan, at 12 noon on Saturday 27th October, followed by burial in Templedouglas Cemetery. Family time from 11 pm to 11am. Family flowers only please, […]